Chapter Five: "Trust"

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Amira has a hard time sleeping that night, especially with Maya's plushie of Green staring at her just a bed away, a stark reminder of what had happened to Opal earlier. Her mind just keeps drifting to the horrifying memory of Opal's lifeless body lying on the ground, but she manages to push it to the back of her mind.

Amira lets out a frustrated sigh as she tosses and turns in bed, ultimately choosing to get up and knock out on the couch instead. She flops onto the dirty cushions, staring blankly at the ceiling as she listens to the ticking clock and tries her best to ignore everything that's been happening lately. But it proves difficult given everything she's seen so far.

All of these innocent kids just wanted to go on a fun field trip to Odd World, and what did they get? Kidnapped and thrown into what might as well be a death trap for some psychopath's entertainment. Amira's gaze soon drifts over to a sleeping Jason, feeling her heart tighten in concern for him. He's just too young to be going through something like this.

Suddenly, the lights shoot on above Amira, causing her to groan in annoyance and cover her eyes with her arm. Everybody else begins waking up around her, most of the kids beginning to cry because they just remembered that they're trapped in this hellish facility with no way out.

The intercom screeches to life. "Wake up, everybody! It's a new night!" The voice rings out cheerfully. "I hope you all slept well, because tonight is going to be a fun one!"

Amira sits upright on the couch, letting out a tired yawn as she stretches out her arms. 'Okay,' she thinks to herself, 'just don't worry too much. Tonight will go smoothly.' Although, she can only hope that's true, knowing the horrors that await her once she steps outside of this room and into the Rainbow Friends' territory.

"Hey, Amira, you okay? You look pretty rough." Veronica asks in concern as she and Maya approach Amira, who quickly snaps back to reality upon hearing her name and manages to force a smile onto her face. "Yeah, I'm fine! Just couldn't get much sleep, is all." Amira lies unconvincingly as she gets to her feet.

Veronica raises an eyebrow skeptically at her friend's response, but doesn't question it any further. "Anyway, are we still going to group up? I know that since Opal's gone now, it'll be kinda strange, but..." Her words eventually become muffled to Amira, as Amira is too busy looking over at Jason to listen to what Veronica has to say.

"Hello? Earth to Amira?" Maya hops up and down impatiently as she waves her hand in front of Amira's face, snapping her out of her trance. "Oh! Sorry, I just..." Amira glances over at Jason for another moment before continuing. "I think I'll be teaming up with Jason this time around, if that's fine with you guys..."

"Oh, that's cool. If you want some quality sibling time with Jason, then who are we to stop you?" Veronica waves her hand dismissively at Amira, who only chuckles awkwardly in return. "Yeah, well, uh... See you later then..." Amira waves goodbye before walking over to where Jason is standing.

Jason doesn't notice his sister approaching him at first, but when he does, he gives her a questioning look. Amira smiles sheepishly at him before clearing her throat gently. "Hey, Jason... I was just... wondering if you wanted to maybe..." She feels her cheeks heat up as she struggles to find the right words to say. " up for tonight?"

Jason shrugs indifferently. "Why not?" He replies nonchalantly. Amira looks a little stunned for a moment before breaking out into a big smile, pulling her little brother into a tight hug. "Thank you, JayJay! This means the world to me!" She squeals happily. Jason just groans softly from embarrassment at how loud his sister is being.

"Hm, that's a surprise. Orange left his cave." The intercom voice announces suddenly. "Maybe he smelled the food."

Amira frowns sadly at that. She used to love the Rainbow Friends as a child, particularly Orange, so it pains her to know that he's turned into a bloodthirsty monster just like his friends. Looking at everyone else in the room, there's not a doubt in Amira's mind that they're all thinking the exact same thing.

Rainbow Friends: Project ODD Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now