Chapter Eight: "Colorful Companions"

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Maya finally reaches the castle room, only to find out that Blue isn't where she left him. Where the heck could that big dummy have gone off to in such a short amount of time? She groans softly in frustration as she realizes that she might have to search the entire facility for him. But she figures it's worth a shot, especially if she wants to save her friends.

"Blue? Blueee? Bluey-Blue-Blueee?" Maya tries calling out to Blue, wandering along the halls aimlessly as she looks around for any sign of the blue mascot. "Come and get me! I'm free food!" She continues yelling in hopes to lure him out from somewhere, hoping that offering herself as food will be enough for him to show his face.

Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to work in the slightest.

Maya groans in frustration once again and stomps her foot petulantly. "Ugh, come on! The one time I need you!" She mutters angrily, trying to ponder up other ideas in order to try getting Blue's attention. That's when she hears faint sobbing coming from the nearby workshop room, and her gaze snaps towards it as curiosity sparks in her mind.

Could that be another survivor in distress? Well, the possibility is pretty high, but that voice sounds way too deep and distorted to be a kid's voice. Maybe there is a chance that it's actually Blue himself in distress. Either way, Maya decides to check it out, regardless of how suspicious it may be.

After all, anyone in a bad mood deserves someone to talk to. That's what Veronica taught Maya when she was younger, and that's also what Maya intends to do right now.

With newfound determination, Maya steps up to the door of the workshop room and turns the knob, slowly pushing it open in case someone is in there waiting to attack her. But surprisingly, instead of finding another survivor like herself, she finds Blue sitting in the corner with his face buried in his hands, sobbing uncontrollably into them.

Maya just stands there for a good while, absolutely dumbfounded out of her mind at seeing Blue in such a vulnerable state. Since when could Rainbow Friends cry? Since when could they act so... human? The whole situation just doesn't make any sense to Maya, nor does it fit Blue's character at all.

"Uhm, Blue—"

"Don't come any closer! I can't let anyone see me like this!" Blue immediately cuts Maya off as soon as his name leaves her mouth. Maya frowns slightly as she observes the poor creature's current state, eventually letting out a sigh and setting her backpack down on the floor next to her.

"I can't just leave you like this." Maya carefully walks over to Blue, who doesn't seem too keen on making eye contact, and places a hand on the side of his arm. "Come on, tell me what's wrong. Maybe it'll make you feel a little better." She offers a gentle smile to him, causing his eye to snap up and meet hers.

Blue stares at her for a few moments before lowering his eye again and shaking his head. "It's... It's hard to explain..." He mumbles quietly after a moment or two. "You don't have to stay here anyway... I'll probably just get hungry again and try to eat you eventually..." He chuckles a little, though he doesn't seem too thrilled by that idea.

Maya bites back a chuckle of her own and shakes her head. "No, no, it's alright! You're not the first Rainbow Friend I've met that actually has feelings." She smiles at the memory of Green and Purple, how they ended up being such great guys despite everything. Maya only wants Blue to follow in their footsteps and turn out the same.

Blue keeps his eye downcast at that statement. "You wouldn't understand... You're just a human..." His eye begins to well up with tears again, and soon, he's back to bawling into his hands. "I'm so hungry... but... I don't wanna do this... I don't wanna hurt anyone..." He starts mumbling to himself.

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