All Breaks Loose.

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He was about to descend the stairs when a voice came from behind.

"I made sure to give her a quick death. So that she doesn't have to suffer. Just two bullets to her legs,one to her forehead and two to her heart.Easy-peasy."

The veins in Azeem's head popped out with so much rage and anger. And he turned for his eyes to came into contact with Hakeem. He kept his silent for some seconds before he said

"Killing my mother wasn't just evil,wasn't to drag me down."
He paused
"It was utterly foolish".
"I knew that you've killed countless innocent people and even tried to kill me and layla
But do you know why I didn't kill you.?

Hakeem nodded his head 'No'
"Not because you're my brother or blood Because It was a hassle"

"I have the base to care about.So if I'd killed would've inconvenienced me a lot"

"Anyway you have to die, I will kill you. You've touched something you shouldn't have Hakeem."

The smile on Hakeem's face fell as he continued to hear Azeem's calm voice.

"Don't be scared it won't be today.You see, l've got a principle.A painless death is a blessing." He adjusted his mother's body as he held her tight.

"I will give you two things.A humiliation worse than death, and a slow death, where you'll experience it every step of the way."

"I will leave you to it. Catch me if can."
Just then a loud roar came from above him at
the same there's tornado of dust eddying around.
Azeem looked up to the sky with squinted gaze.A helicopter in the sky 20meters away from the ground and a roll of rope was thrown out.

"I will let you escape this time but not another time !" He nonchalantly voiced out.

Hakeem hopped on the rope that was thrown out from the helicopter and the helicopter started to fly up.

Azeem's voice could be heard loud and clear
"I'll chase you down even if you flee to the depths of hell!"
"And I'll make you feel endless and excruciating fear and pain each and every time.Till you think death is the best for you,till you choose death yourself!!"

"This is a game."
Hakeem shouted to Azeem and saluted at the same time with a smirk on his lips and just like the night breeze he effortlessly escaped.

When Layla get to know about Nabeela's death,she had to find support because she almost slipped away to the floor at hearing the shocking news.
"Innalillahi wa'ina ilaihil raju'un!" That's all she could all utter as tears kept rolling down her cheeks. She cried and cried till she couldn't anymore. Nabeela was such good,she was a mother figure to her and she just lost her now,who would talk her out of her own problems and pain! She had really helped her with so much advices,she had loved her like her own daughter.

At last Layla cleared her tears as she got to understand that crying would not help Nabeela but her never ending prayers. Yes,there's so much pain in losing a loved one but a person needs to live with it as that's the way of life. One day we will be the ones to be dead.

Since after his mother's janazah. Azeem locked himself in the room for days not eating anything. He never cry but his eyes have turned bloodshot. Layla never saw him in that state he was always picking at her or someone else to ease his boredom but now he appeared silent than ever.

He had a knock.
"Do you have a death wish?"His voice echoed around the dark room and into the corridor but he heard no response. So he got up and walked to the door,when he opened it he saw no along the hallway. He was about to close the door back when his gaze caught the tray full of food and a note stuck to it by the side. He picked the note and it read
"It is not that I care, I did out of pity. So please eat."

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