Twirls Of Life.

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Five Years Later!

Days turned into weeks,weeks into months, and months into years but the absence remained a constant companion. Azeem sought solace in the familiar — the scent of Layla's one favorite perfume and their bundle of joy Imad, the sound of their laughter echoing in his mind, the touch of a cherished memento that carried the imprint of her presence.

But it was in the quiet moments, when the world slumbered and Azeem wrestled with his thoughts, that the absence felt most potent. The empty spaces beside him, once occupied by Layla, seemed to whisper secrets of love and longing, reminding him of what was lost.

Yet, in the depths of their despair, Azeem discovered a resilience he never knew he possessed. He found solace in the embrace of their son, who offered a lifeline of support and understanding. Together, they wove a tapestry of shared memories, laughter, and tears, creating a sanctuary where the absence of their beloved could be acknowledged and honored.

As Azeem navigated the labyrinth of missing a loved one, he learned to carry her presence within his heart. The absence became a testament to the enduring power of love, a reminder that even in her physical absence, the bond they shared would forever be there.

Within the pages of this tale, the absence of Layla casted a shadow that looms over every day moments . Like a ghostly presence,her absence was palpable, haunting Azeem's every thought and action. It is a void that cannot be filled, a missing piece that leaves him feeling incomplete.

Azeem kissed the girl's finger, his cold and hoarse voice echoing in the quiet room,
"How are you my love?I'm missing your eyes. When will I get to see them again hmm?."

He gently brushed away some strands of her hair to the back of her ear.

"The intensity of my longing for you, has started to eat me alive.

"I swear, in the nearest future my love,i will tell you the stories of my loneliest times. But before that." He gave her knuckles a soft kiss l.

"I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life, I will wait for you even if it will take me forever.Layla , my one and only wife."

The sun seeped through the window. The man was citing the oath alone, but his expression was saying that he was putting all of his life into this relationship for life and death.

After a while,he heard the sound of steps,and for the sound, he had already deduced from the small steps who it was.

Imad entered the room with his hands in his pockets. With sharp, defined features and a slitrong jawline, Imad possessed a classic and timeless handsomeness. he exuded an undeniable aura of confidence and strength. Imad's piercing dark copper eyes, framed by thick, perfectly arched eyebrows, His deep-set, expressive eyes draw you in, revealing a world of curiosity and intelligence. Imad's perfectly styled hair, whether tousled or neatly combed, adds an effortless charm to his overall appearance.

But it wasn't just his physical appearance that made him stand out. It was his impeccable sense of style and the way he carried himself with grace and poise.
Whether dressed in a tailored suit or a simple t-shirt and jeans, he always looked effortlessly put together. His every movement seemed deliberate and controlled, as if he had mastered the art of commanding attention without even trying. One wouldn't believe that's a FIVE years old child but a grown adult in a child's body. He's just Azeem's replica,a little Azeemy.

Without a say his small body walked up to his mother's bedside to have a seat.

"Imad. Remember to always say your salam." Azeem reminded him to which imad answered with a salam and looked back to his mother who was still asleep since when he got to be conscious of her and to know about her.

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