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Harry pov

I had just gotten back home with Scorpius and Teddy and put Scorpius in a transfigured crib in Regulus' old room when the one and only Ginevra Weasley decided she could show up unannounced with Ron to "talk out our problems", I had sent Teddy to bed as I didn't want him to possibly watch me and Ginny fight any more than he already had.

We had all three sat down, well now we were four after of Hermione's arrival a couple of minutes after the first two. They sat on one side as i sat on the other, no one said anything and it was becoming annoying. They all looked at each other as they were trying to figure out who should say something, after a couple minutes of tense silence Hermione finally started speaking.

"Harry, honestly I don't really know what we're doing here since all Ginny and Ron has told was that we needed to talk to you." She looked at the two redheads as she mentioned them, they both looked annoyed at each other which gave me more reason to believe they were together in some sort of guilting me back into that dreadful relationship I had just gotten out of.

"I just don't understand why you left me Harry, we were so good together." Ginny said while using her puppy eyes, I looked at her with the coldest glare I could muster which worked as she stopped trying to look "cute".

"Exactly Ginny, we were good together but I just happen to have too much self respect to stay in a relationship where i get cheated on, my kids are not a priority and our public image is more important than the happiness of our kids." I told her my voice and face neutral but my aura radiated anger.

My words caught both Ron and Hermione by surprise while Ginny just looked like she wanted to disappear under the table.

"You cheated on him?!" Ron stood up shouting in anger before he continued with; "How the hell you expect me to help you talk some sense into Harry when clearly you're in the wrong."

The two Weasleys continued arguing for a bit while Hermione just looked apologetically at me, suddenly crying was heard from upstairs which immediately made everyone stop talking.

"Is Albus here?" Hermione asked lighting up a bit.

"No, he's with Luna along with James. You only have Teddy right now and I don't think he cries like that." Ginny said making me shift uncomfortably in my seat. I loved both Hermione and Ron with my whole heart, Ginny not so much. But they were judgemental as hell and I don't think me having Draco's son in my house would help that.

"Excuse me for a moment, stay here and i'll be back in a minute." I told them before leaving them in the kitchen, knowing how nosy Ginny was I locked the door before going upstairs to Scorpius. He was standing up in the crib crying as he tried to reach for his bag, I looked at him while remembering Draco had told me he would get upset without his pacifier and his plushies. Seeing him grabbing for his bag I quickly grabbed it taking out his pacifier and plushies before handing them to him. He took the pacifier in his mouth and held his stag in one hand while holding the snake in the other. But that didn't seem to be quite enough, the little kept grabbing the air as tears stained his face. I lifted him up in his arms and felt how Scorpius immediately started to calm down, not being able to leave him I decided to take him down to the kitchen with me. I unlocked the door and went inside with the small boy in my arms, Scorpius lifted his head to look at the three people already sitting there.

"You already got another kid? So much for putting James and Albus first." Ginny scoffed as she saw the blonde boy in Harry's arms.

"Stop your foolish accusations already Ginny, I'm just taking care of him until his dad is ready to take care of him again." I told her not wanting to deal with her shit right now.

"Who's even is it?" She spat while glaring at the small boy, Scorpius turned his head away from Ginny and cuddled against my chest. This little boy was almost as cute as my own boys, he was so gentle compared to James and Albus.

"I don't think that's any of your business, but I can say as much as he is one of my employees' son. You do not need to know any more because knowing you, you'll always find some stupid reason to yell at me and I really don't need that when I'm taking care of both Teddy and this toddler along with James and Albus on monday." I told her, she scoffed but kept quiet after that.

"Gin, I think we should leave. Harry obviously has a lot on his plate right now and since you clearly just want trouble, you don't need to be here." Ron said and that's how it was, they left 10 minutes later. Hermione apologised for the inconvenience but I told her it was fine and that her and Ron were welcome to visit again the next day without Ginny which she would happily consider.

After they had left I went to the living room, I sat Scorpius down on the couch handing him his plushies. I put some slow piano music on the gramophone in the corner and sat down beside the blonde boy. We just sat there calmly listening to the music, Scorpius had climbed in my lap and sat hugging my chest. A few minutes later I saw a glimpse of teal hair walking past the doorway, then I heard some rumbling from the kitchen and a loud crash.

"Teddy?" I shouted after him.

"Everything's fine!" He responded and i let it go, sinking back deep into the couch while having a calm Scorpius on my chest. I kinda missed the time when James was this calm, he was a real energy ball now while Albus still was and always had been more calm like Scorpius. It was kind of fun though, my godson was an energy ball and so was my firstborn while my second born and Scorpius were more calm.

Teddy entered the living room after a couple of minutes carrying multiple bowls of both muggle and wizard candy, he put it down on the round table in the center of the two couches before sitting down by my side saying; "Well, it is friday after all." I nodded before taking a piece of a muggle chocolate bar with dark chocolate and mint. We just sat there talking about whatever came to mind while eating candy and listening to the music. When the clock hit 1 AM I walked up to Regulus' room where I put Scorpius to sleep, Teddy slept in Sirius' old room while I crashed on the couch. Before going to sleep I packed away the uneaten candy and cleaned whatever dishes were used today and after that I finally went to bed.

Word Count: 1195

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