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Harry pov

I had gotten back to my office and continued on my paperwork, why did there have to be so freaking much. Talk so much about climate change and yet we use this much paper on paperwork, I had to talk to Shacklebolt about this. I picked up another piece of paper realising it was a drawing of a family of 5, my family. I looked at the bottom and saw Albus' scrawled name in green highlighter and over each of our heads were our names "Dady, Jam, Tedi, me and mommy" I looked at the drawing and realised that I was placed closer with the boys than Ginny was, maybe I was just overthinking this..

I opened my drawer and found empty frame that once held a picture of Ginny and I from our honeymoon in Italy, we were standing in front of the leaning tower in Pisa and kissed, funny how you can love somebody that much and then in a matter of seconds it all fades away. I had burned the picture as soon as I found out she had cheated, Hermione had told me even though Ron wasn't much for it. I carefully put in the drawing from Albus not bothering to cover Ginny, if she was in Albus' drawing then she stayed there even if we no longer were together.

I heard a knock at the door, looking up from the drawing I saw Draco Malfoy standing there looking quite awkward. 

"Do you need anything?" I asked him politely noticing his lacking aura of feeling superior. 

"Well you said I could always come if I needed to talk to somebody. Believe me, I've only come because of the fact that you are the only person here not hating me after being a death eater." He said adding a slight chuckle at the end. 

"I believe almost everyone deserves a second chance, well sit down and start talking." I said with a genuine smile. 

"I do feel a little awkward talking about it since it's pretty private, and you're my boss." Draco said while looking around the room, i followed his gaze which landed on Albus' drawing. 

He furrowed his brows a bit before saying,"I didn't know Teddy was a part of your family" which reminded me that Teddy was actually his cousins kid who she got with his professor, might've be an awkward conversation to have for the first time. 

"Yeah, he's my godson and lives with us- me when he's home from Hogwarts." I said adding a smile at the end. 

"But back to you" I continued, "What's on your mind?" I asked him trying to read his expressions, unsuccessfully.

"I might need a vacation in a couple of weeks, most likely a long one." He said without even looking at me. 

"Well of course, can i ask why?" I asked carefully not wanting to overstep any boundaries. 

"I guess you'd find out eventually, Astoria is sick and is set to die in the next 3 months." He caught me completely off guard with that. 

"Oh my- Draco I'm so sorry." I said with a shocked expression. 

"Don't be, we've known for years but we didn't feel like it was something to fear or notify anyone about." He said before continuing. 

"I would like to invite you, Ginny and Teddy to the funeral already, I figured you might have a pretty packed schedule and wanted you to know in advance." He said still not making eye contact. 

"Of course I'll come, I will have to ask Teddy first if he wants to go though." I said unsure what to say other than that.

"Could- could I meet Teddy sometime soon? I babysitted him a bit when he was a baby after his parents died, I also want him to meet Astoria before he goes to her funeral." Draco said nervously. 

"I hear what you're saying Draco but I do have to ask Teddy first." I told him. 

"Of course, I'll be taking my leave now." He said to which I simply nodded, he walked out leaving the office in a tense silence.

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