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3rd person pov

Everyone looked at Harry when he entered the ministry, it's not because he's changed his hair, or gotten a tattoo or anything like that. But something had changed, something big.

He had divorced his wife, the golden couple had separated and while Ginny had completely isolated herself from the world, Harry just got to work and took care of his kids like he'd always done.

Yet his expression had changed, his usually happy smile and bright eyes were gone as he walked from the fireplace to the lift.
A few people greeted him on his way which he greeted back with a forced smile

Harry's pov

I could hear them clear as day when I walked past them, all the rumors and whispers about what happened, shouldn't my relationship be my business? Apparently not.

I saw Ron looking at me from the fountain, I waved at him and he hesitantly waved back. He's had some trouble adjusting to the fact that I was no longer snogging his sister, funny considering he's always wanted me to stop doing it.

I decided to go straight to my office in the Auror department and sat down behind the table.
There was already a bunch of paperwork from a raid we did a couple of days ago. I brewed some coffee and started the paperwork right away.

Some might think it's weird that I'm not more affected from my breakup than I am, but the break went quite easy because of the fact that we weren't married, we just divided things and as of right now we have the kids a week at a time.

We just did a quick thing, she got the house we're living in now and I kept Grimmauld Place, she's got half our things and all her family artifacts and I've got the other half and all my family stuff.

The hardest part was telling our friends, family and most of all, our kids. They didn't quite understand what happened which is expected since Teddy is 12, James is 6 and Albus only 3 years old. Teddy understood everything and he'll follow the boys here in the beginning until he'll stay permanently with me after i get Grimmauld Place ready, James understood the most and he knows that his mommy and daddy aren't living together anymore and that he will live with us both. As soon as my divorce with Ginny became official and was leaked to the press 2 days ago, I moved into Grimmauld Place and have lived there since. I've already started planning which rooms i would transform to be James' and Albus' rooms, but so far I haven't decided anything so when i get them on Monday they'll just sleep in my room.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a knock on the door, and I slowly got up to open.
When i opened the door the one and only Ginny Pot- Weasley stood there looking dumb, it's not that I hated her but we just ended on a bad note after a lot of arguments so I guess it's natural that I don't like her that much anymore.

"What do you want?" I said in an annoyed tone, she fidgeted a bit with her hands before asking to come inside which i let her.

We were now inside my office standing before each other, she just stood and looked at the ground not saying anything. 

"What do you want?" I asked again while crossing my arms. 

"Albus and James misses you, and so do I." She said in that sad voice that made me scoff. 

"You can't guilt me back to you, so stop trying. And i miss the boys too, you not so much." I said with a stern expression. 

"Why are you so mean to me? You were my world and I was yours, can't we just go back to how it was?" She said kind of begging which was just annoying. 

"Yes Ginny, you were my world but then you decided to f*ck it all up and that was not my fault." I said not raising my voice, she looked at me with those puppy eyes that could once make me forgive her right away but that didn't work anymore. 

"How did I ruin it? I just want to know how to make it right." She said with a held back sob. 

"Well for starters you just started screaming at me every time you got the chance, then you decided that Dean deserved a second chance after your relationship back at Hogwarts and f*cked him, that's called cheating if you didn't know. And what else... OH! You decided that a quidditch game played by Viktor Krum was more important than your sons birthday, James was devastated for days. Is that enough reasons?" I asked with a slightly raised voice while she looked guiltier by the second. 

"I was drunk with Dean-" She started but I raised my hand signaling her to stop. 

"Being drunk doesn't justify cheating, Ginevra." I said turning away from her before continuing. 

"Now leave, and i'll see you on Monday where i come to pick up my kids." I said my back facing her, i didn't turn around till i heard the door close.

I sighed while going back to my chair and continuing the paperwork, but I gave up after a 15 minutes. Why did she have to come to my office and distract me? I looked at the clock and it read 10.15 AM, still 5 hours back. I looked back at the huge stack of papers that needed to be read and signed, that was the sad downside of being Head Auror. I went down to the break room and sat in one of the couches. It was empty since the day had just started, well almost empty, a silent Draco Malfoy sat at the bar table in the far corner just silently staring at a painting that hung there, he didn't look like he knew i was in here. 

We had been sworn enemies since the first day in school, but after the war and we both got a family we decided to put it in the past and tolerate each other at work. It was quite a shock when his application reached my table, I would have never in a hundred years thought that the one and only Draco Malfoy would work when he's got his ass full of money. But he did and now he's assistant auror / healer which basically means that he goes with our Aurors on some of the raids and heals them if they get injured. He's good at it too, he saved 5 people from dying because he could treat them so fast. 

I got up from the couch and went over to sit in the other barstool beside his, I felt like it was my duty as Head Auror to make sure my employees were okay.

Draco pov

I was sitting in the break room at the bar in the far corner quietly staring into space when the amazing Harry Potter decided he also wanted to sit there, it's not that I hate him or anything but he's just so Potter, always has to be the best and the hottest- wait what? 

I was pulled from my thoughts by Potter talking yet I didn't catch what he said. 

"What?" I asked him, my voice slightly harsh. 

"I just asked if you were okay, you looked a little..." He started but I didn't let him finish. 

"Don't say sad or help me Salazar I will strangle you." I told him not raising my voice a single octave. 

"Okay I won't, relax." He said putting his hands up in defeat. 

"Look-" He started but held a pause, like he was reevaluating his words. 

"I know we're not soulmates or even friends or anything but if anything is happening or you need anyone to talk to then my door is always unlocked." He said in this fatherly voice he probably used with his kids. 

"Well that's stupid of you." I said. 

"What is?" He asked confused but i just looked at him like he was dumb. 

"It's pretty stupid of you to keep your door unlocked when an assassin easily could reach you and kill you without even having to try " I said as if it was common knowledge, which it kinda was. 

"Advice taken, but seriously come to me if you need anything." He said standing up to leave, my eyes followed him all the way out the door. 

As soon as he left I was once again alone, even though I had become a father, which most people say fulfill you, i've never felt this alone before. My sons birth had also meant that my wife now had a smaller amount of time left, she had been inherited a blood sickness which shortened her life to about 35 years and since she didn't want me to be alone after she died she had insisted that we get a kid to keep me company even though it would shorten her life even more to about 30 years which was just right around the corner. I want to be by her side and just be with her but seeing her condition worsen and worsen was just too much for me and after a long talk we decided that I should get a job to get my mind off our problems. It really did feel like too much sometimes, maybe I should talk to somebody about it.

Word Count: 1600

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