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Draco pov
All kids were sleeping when I got back, luckily the elves hadn't reported any nightmares or problems, this meant that I could wait for Harry to get back in peace.
I was excited for him to see what I did with our bedroom, our, it felt nice to say it like that.
I also wondered when we'd tell the world, I don't know if I want them to know but it'll mean that I can love Harry in public too and that would just be absolutely perfe-


He's here!

I practically ran into his arms, feeling a huge relief that he was back with me.

"Hey Dove, you missed me?" He half-laughed as he said it, but it couldn't be truer.

"You don't have a clue." I pressed a kiss to his lips, he put his palm behind my head as he deepened the kiss.

"Someone is eager." He said it so casually it nearly made me laugh, but the desire to have him took over and soon after we were doing things in the library we definitely shouldn't have.

And maybe we did it for a bit too long, but who cares? Nobody's here to see anyway, it was just Harry and I, and I've never felt so safe.

We came down from our euphoria after some time, as we laid here in the sacred Malfoy library, bodies entangled with only a layer of skin separating us from fully melting together.

"Tell me all about your weekend Dove." He was still panting faintly.

"Let's get to bed first, yeah?" And that's what we did- or we got interrupted by James sleeping in our bed which drew some confusion on Harry's face, but we worked around it.

We settled on each side of James' sleeping body, our fingers quickly finding each other as we looked at each other.

"You start and I'll go after?" I suggested and he agreed, his baggage was thrown on the floor and except for James in the bed, everything was just like I imagined this night would be.

"First off, I love the new room, you did amazing." He kissed my knuckles and I felt the butterflies inside, why did his compliments feel like so much more?

"This weekend was amazing; your mother was so nice, when she wasn't intimidating me with every question imaginable. The dorm reunion was a blast, spent all morning just puking together from the hungover, a real bonding experience if you ask me." I laughed at that, only Harry would see that as a bonding experience.

"But now I'd like to know why you've even changed the room, and maybe also why my son is in here." He made a face; it does seem weird if you don't know all the stuff that's been happening.

"Well, let's start from the beginning; I took the boys to George's shop with Scorp and I disguised as you and Teddy. To not spoil anything before time was right, then George basically tried to kill me as he thought I'd kidnapped your kids since the real Teddy was in his backroom-"

"What?!" Harry was wide awake now, understandably.

"I know, but just listen, okay? Anyway; Scorp and I turned back which calmed George, we had a good talk, and then we went to get ice cream before heading home.
That was to make sure the boys didn't get the love potions they wanted, they tried begging. Then we got home, and I talked to Teddy who's having problems at school, they're teasing him about Remus, and we've got a meeting with McGonagall tomorrow at 1.
There's also happened something in Penzance but he's not ready to tell us about anything yet, I made him promise that he would eventually.
Then I offered him a new room so that could floo back whenever he needed to, he now has the one beside the library which I am putting the last finishing touches on.
Scorp and Albus wants to share, and that meant James would get his own, he wasn't keen on the idea so he'll get his own room but wants to sleep in here.
Then I did our room while the kids watched that Christmas movie about the crazy kid.
Then I tried to make spaghetti and meatballs which looked horrible, then we watched Toy Story 3 before the smaller ones fell asleep. Teddy needed some homework done in potions so I helped him with that down in the potions room.
We finished, and then Albus and scorp wanted to prank me with someone breaking in.
I may have cursed your son, but he's fine, and they understood their mistake. Then today was basically just breakfast, me and Teddy doing his room and me taking Teddy to Hogwarts disguised as you." Harry might as well have suffered a stroke.

"I have so many questions right now." Was the first thing he muttered.

"Well, ask away."

"First, who would tease someone about their war hero parents? Second, I might've wanted this meeting info a bit earlier as I have to move some meetings at work to make it. Third, I knew something happened in Penzance, I should've never let him go. Fourth, the James having his own room thing might not be good. Fifth, we have a potions room? Sixth, I'm sorry about Albus' bad sense of humor. Seventh, we need to come out so you don't have to disguise as me each time."

"Well, that certainly were many questions. One, I don't know either. Two, I didn't want you to think I couldn't handle it. Three, don't overthink before you know what happened. Four, I'll need an elaboration. Five, yes in the basement. Six, it's fine nothing happening. Seven, I'd appreciate it." Damn, this was exhausting.

"Well, Teddy first. What do we do?" Harry had a worrying look on his face, I didn't like it.

"His roommate, Nate, is a total prick and threw out all is stuff because he didn't want werewolf stuff in his space. So, we'll need to do something about his living situation. I think we'll need to convince McGonagall that they'll have to teach these students about war heroes, to stop all the teasing. Now tell me about James' situation." This was really a complicated conversation to have this late, but we needed to have it sooner rather than later.

"Wow, all this with Teddy is really making me lose faith in this generation. Anyway, James has suffered really bad night terrors that only disappear when he sleeps with others. That's why he and Albus had to share, I love him but he's not sleeping here every night."

"We could do dreamless sleep potions?"

"I won't be medicating my child to sleep every night, that's not normal." Oh Harry...

"Well then I don't know what to do, it's just a temporary solution." He sighed.

"We'll see, good night" I get it, it's a lot of thinking when it comes to children.

Word Count: 1135

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