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Matt's pov:

As I watch Nick and Chris fighting I see someone walk in the aisle with us.


I smack Nick and Chris.

Chris and Nick: "Ow what was that for?!"

Nick notices April.

Nick: "Oh my damn!"

Nick grabs Chris's arm and drags him out of the aisle leaving me and April alone.


April's pov:

Oh shit.

Matt notices me. Then his brothers walk away leaving us alone. Me and Matt just awkwardly stand in the aisle.

April: "Um.. Hi!"

I say breaking the silence walking up to him.

Matt: "Uh- Hey."
April: "What are you doing here?"
Matt: "Oh um my brother needed some Advil. What about you?"
April: "Uh... I was getting makeup for our um- dinner."

I felt embarrassed. Why is getting makeup so embarrassing, every girl buys makeup?!


Matt's pov:

I could tell she was embarrassed. I looked down to see the makeup she was holding.

Matt: "That's a nice shade of lipstick. That's lipstick right?"
April: "I think?"

We both laugh.


Nick's pov:

I dragged Chris and I out of the aisle.

Chris: "Stop let go of me! What are you doing?"
Nick: "Chris your so dense sometimes!"
Chris: "What?"
Nick: "I'm leaving those too love birds alone obviously. Come on Chris catch up!"
Chris: "What?"
Nick: "Matt and April."
Chris: "April's here?!"
Nick: "Yeah did you not see her?"
Chris: "No."
Nick: "Of course you weren't. To busy looking at the snacks!"

I stick my head in the aisle trying to see what they were doing. They were laughing.

Chris: "Awww they're so cute."

Chris says on the floor also stalking Matt and April.

Then I accidentally step on Chris's hand and I fell on him.


Matt's pov:

Matt: "What do you mean 'I think'?"
April: "I don't know a lot about makeup but this looks like lipstick, right?
Matt: "I don't know?!"

As we're laughing I hear Nick and Chris.

Chris: "What the fuck Nick!"
Nick: "Sorry, sorry!!"
Chris: "Fucking dumbass!"

I turn around to see Chris and Nick on the floor.

What the hell are they doing? This is so embarrassing!

Nick looks as us.

Nick: "Heh don't mind us just um... Chris get up!"

They run off as I turn around to April.

Matt: "I'm so sorry about that they're so stupi-"

I get interrupted by April's laugh.

April: "Your brothers are funny."
Matt: "Oh uh... haha yeah, I know right!"

Panera Girl (Matt Sturniolo)Where stories live. Discover now