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April's pov:

I woke up at 3pm...

My stomach growled. I head to the kitchen to make myself some cereal.

I grab a bowl, poured cereal and then some milk. I then grab a spoon putting it in my cereal...

I sat at the table staring at my bowl. I picked up the spoon scooping a spoonful of cereal.

I put it in my mouth.

Suddenly I lost my appetite...

I placed the bowl full of cereal in the sink and went back to bed.

I check the time with the clock that was on my dresser, 5pm.

I need to go see my dad.

I tried to get out of bed but I had no energy.


The next day:


I woke up getting out of bed to use the bathroom.

I went to the kitchen for some water, but I still had no appetite for food.

The whole day was spent moping on my bed...


The next day:


I was woken up by a knock.

I got out of bed heading towards the door.

I open the door seeing a note stuck on my door.

Eviction notice.

What?! Eviction notice?!!

I shut the door walking over to my dads room. I search his room when I get to his dresser. I open his drawers. There were tons of mail piled up hidden in his dresser.

The mails all stated "behind on bills".

Has dad not been paying the bills?! Why was he hiding this from me?!

I grab my shoes running out and over to the landlords apartment...

*Knock* *Knock*

The door opens...

Mr. Lee: "April?"

I show him the Eviction notice.

April: "Mr. Lee give me some more time I'll pay the bills!!"
Mr. Lee: "I'm afraid it's too late."
April: "Please!"
Mr. Lee: "Sorry April."
April: "My dads in the hospital!"
Mr. Lee: "What?"
April: "My dad... he's sick, and I've been struggling. Please?"

Mrs. Lee: "John breakfast is ready!"
Mr. Lee: "Be there in a second."

He turns back to me sighing...

Mr. Lee: "Fine, but I can only give you a month."
April: "That's fine! How much do I owe?"
Mr. Lee: "Let me grab something real quick."

He leaves and comes back with a piece paper...

Mr. Lee: "Here's the report. It looks like your three months behind on the bills. Also there are some fees for missing the due dates for the bills."

I look at the total amount...

April: "What?! And I have to pay all that in a month?"
Mr. Lee: "Yes, or you'll have to be evicted."

I sigh in distress...

April: "Thanks for your time Mr. Lee."
Mr. Lee: "I'm really sorry April. We'll be praying for your father."
April: "Thank you."

I walk away defeated...

I decided to head to the mailboxes. I unlock my mailbox and see a bunch of mail. I take them out skimming through them.

I see an envelope with the name of the hospital my dad was at. I open it to see a bill.

Shit, how am I going to pay for this! Why does the hospital have to be so expensive?!!

I lock my mailbox and decide to head home. When I get home I drop everything in my hands and on to the floor...

I take a few step to get to my room, but give up. I laid down on the cold floor. My shoes were still on but I didn't care.

I didn't have enough energy to care...

Panera Girl (Matt Sturniolo)Where stories live. Discover now