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April's pov:

I had just left the triplets house and started heading home.

I still can't believe I'm going on a date with Matt!!!

I finally get to my apartment building. When I get inside I bump into someone...

Mr.Lee: "April!"
April: "Mr.Lee?"
Mr.Lee: "How are you?"
April: "I'm doing great."
Mr.Lee: "That's good to hear! Oh and I got rid of the 'Eviction Notice' flyers that were posted up on your door since you're no longer being evicted."
April: "What?!"
Mr.Lee: "Anyways I have to go, have a great day!"

Mr.Lee walks off as I'm left in shock.

No longer being evicted? This has to be some kind of mistake!

I decided to head back to my apartment.

When I opened the door I immediately got a weird feeling. Something felt off.

Why are the lights on? Did I forget to turn them off? What the hell?!

The apartment looked like it had just been cleaned up. I also noticed my bedroom light was on.

Did someone break in?

I quietly ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. I slowly made my way to my room.

Holy shit what am I doing?! What if they're armed with a gun or something!!

I decided to abort, but before I could run off the "intruder" came out of my room.

It was a women. She was tall and pretty. She wore a dress and a coat with heels. She looked rich...


April: "Who are you, and how do you know my name?!"
Women: "Why don't you put the knife down so we can have a chat in the living room."
April: "Why would I do that? I don't even know you!"
Women: "Just trust me darling."

I headed to the kitchen and put back the knife. I watched as the women sat down on the couch.

I was hesitant but decided to sit on the couch with her, except I kept my distance in case she tried anything weird.

Women: "I know you must be confused, but I can explain."
April: "Okay?"
Women: "I heard your father was sick. So I wanted to help."
April: "Why would you help out some strangers?"
Women: "Because your not strangers."
April: "What?"
Women: "April..."

She pauses for a moment taking a deep breath...

Women: "I'm your mother."

I stared at her for a second...

April: "My mother? The same women that left me and my father 13 years ago?"
Women: "Yes."
April: "And now you want to come back and help?"
Women: "Yes. I know you've been struggling with money, so I've payed for your bills for the rest of the year and I've payed the hospital bills."
April: "What?"

She then pulls out an envelope...

Women: "And here is some extra cash just in case!"
April: "No thanks, I don't take handouts. And you shouldn't have payed my bills I had everything under control."
Women: "Honey, you were going to get evicted."

April: "You can't just leave and come back and expect me to forgive you for what you did to me and my father."
Women: "I know, and I don't expect you to forgive me. But I thought maybe you could use some help."

I was pissed... but I was also relieved. I didn't know what I'd do if it wasn't for her coming and paying for everything. Also I didn't know my mom was rich rich!

April: "Um... thank you."
Women: "Of course! And the envelope has my number in it in case you need to contact me."
April: "No, I can't accept it you've already done too much for me and my dad."

I hand her back the envelope...

Women: "Okay, well if that's it I'll be on my way."
April: "Okay."

She gets up and heads to the door...

April: "Wait."

She turns around...

April: "How is... my brother?"
Women: "He's... doing well!"
April: "Does he even know I exist."

She goes quiet for a second...

My brother was 1 and I was 5 when we got separated. So I don't except him to remember me, but I was hoping my mom told him about his older sister...

Women: "No."
April: "...Oh."
Women: "Well...I'll be on my way."

She opens the front door and leaves. I sit there in disbelief when an envelope slides under the door.

She just doesn't give up does she!

I grab the envelope and throw it on the counter.

I lay down on the couch and stare at the ceiling.


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