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Mya's pov:

I head to grab our food as Chris follows behind me...

Chris: "Here I got the drinks!"

He comes close next to me as he grabs the drinks and I grab the food.

Our shoulders touched.

Oh my gosh!!

We both head back to our table...


Chris's pov:

Me and Mya headed back to our table.

We then all started to eat.

After we finished eating we headed out to the parking lot.

Matt and Nick were having an argument, like they always do.

I could over hear them yelling...

Nick: *Burp*
Matt: "You are fucking gross!"
Nick: "Oh but Chris burps and it's okay!"
Matt: "No-"
Nick: "Okay, I see where your heads at!"

Matt: "That's my issue! He can burp and you'll be like 'Oh that was so gross oh my god let me fucking overreact!' And then when you burp and somebody says something 'OH FUCKING SPARE ME!' Cause your allowed to burp but he isn't?!"

April was just watching laughing.

Me and Mya we're behind them...

Chris: "Hey, um are you doing anything this Saturday?"
Mya: "No, why?"

Chris: "Oh nothing... well actually I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?"

Mya: "Hang out? Like... just me and you?!"
Chris: "Yeah!"

Mya smiles...

Mya: "I'd love that!"
Chris: "Great I'll pick you up then! Wait I don't drive, I don't know why I said that."

Mya laughs...

Mya: "Then I'll pick you up!"
Chris: "Okay!"


April's pov:

We were out in the parking lot...

April: "Okay, we're going to head home! Bye guys!"

Matt: "Bye April!"
Nick: "Byeee!"
Chris: "Bye!"

Me and Mya split from the triplets as we get in the car.

Mya starts up the car and starts driving...

Mya: "Sooo, Chris just asked me out!"
April: "WHAT?!"
Mya: "Well he said he wants to hang out! Do you think he means like... a date?!!"

April: "YES!!"
Mya: "How do you know? What if he just wants to hang out as... friends!"

April: "Mya trust me, it's a date!!!"
Mya: "Oh my god I'm so excited!!!"

Mya starts screeching and driving faster...

April: "Okay I know your excited BUT CAN YOU SLOW DOWN?!?!?!"

Mya: "But I'm so happy right now!"


10 minutes later...

I somehow got home in one piece...

April: "Thanks for the ride Mya!"
Mya: "Of course!"
April: "Get home safe! I'm serious no speeding! We almost died!!"

Mya: "Your so extra!"
April: "Mya!"
Mya: "Fine, I'll go the speed limit!"
April: "Thank you! Anyways I'll see you later, bye!
Mya: "Byee!!"

I head inside.

It was late so I decided to head to bed.

The next morning...

I get up getting dressed and eating breakfast.

I then decide to walk to the hospital.

At the hospital...

April: "Hey dad!"
Dad: "April!!"

I sit down beside my dad...

Dad: "They said I'm set to leave today!"
April: "That's great!"

I smile at him...

Dad: "Hey sweetie, remember how you said you wanted to go back to college?"
April: "Yeah."
Dad: "Where are you planning on going?"

April: "Well you know it's always been my dream to go to the University of California! But I doubt I'll be able to get into it."

Dad: "Doesn't hurt to try! Have you applied to any colleges yet?"
April: "No not yet."
Dad: "You should get on that!"
April: "Okay."

After a couple of hours with my dad, it was time for us to go.

My dad comes out of the bathroom with his clothes on...

Dad: "Alright I'm ready to go!"
April: "Let's go!"

We leave the hospital...

April: "Dad you want me to call us an Uber?"
Dad: "No it's fine. I've been sitting on that hospital bed for so long. I need a little exercise!"
April: "Okay!"

We finally arrived home...

Dad: "Ahh I missed my home!!"

I laugh heading to my room to hang up my jacket...

Dad: "April?"
April: "Yeah?"

I say heading out of my room to see my dad in the kitchen...

Dad: "What's this?!"

My dad holds up the envelope that I threw on the counter a while ago.

The envelope with money inside of it from... my mother


Panera Girl (Matt Sturniolo)Where stories live. Discover now