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April's pov:

I get a text from Matt saying he was outside...

April: "Bye dad!"
Dad: "What, where are you going?!"
April: "I'm going to hang out with Matt!"
Dad: "Okay, have fun!!"

I put on my shoes and head out.

I hop inside Matt's car...

Matt: "Hey!"
April: "Hi!"
Matt: "Where do you want to eat?"
April: "Anywhere."
Matt: "Okay, I'll take you somewhere special!"

Matt starts driving.

I was sitting there nervously figuring out how I'm going to break the news to him.

Suddenly I felt a warm, soft hand wrap around my hand...

Matt holds my hand. I look at him and smile.

He smiles back.

I feel bad. I don't want to leave him.

Maybe I should just decline the acceptance and stay here... with Matt.

10 minutes later...

We finally arrived...

Matt: "We're here!"
April: "Panera Bread?"
Matt: "Yeah! It's where we first met!"
April: "Actually we first met at the park when we were younger!"
Matt: "Oh right!"

I laugh getting out of the car...


Matt's pov:

We both get out of the car and start heading inside.

I decide to hold April's hand as we head inside.

Me and April were still new to the whole dating thing so it's kinda awkward for us to PDA.

But I try to display my affection for April as much as I can by holding her hands and stuff.

Anyways, we head inside.

We order our food and sit down...


April's pov:

Me and Matt talk for a while waiting for our food.

Finally the food comes.

We dive in...

We were half way through our food when I decided to bring it up...

April: "I need to tell you something..."


Matt's pov:

April: "I need to tell you something..."

For some reason I felt scared.

Does she want to break up?
Did she cheat on me?
Oh my god!

April: "Um so remember how I told you I wanted to go to college?"
Matt: "Yeah?"

April: "I just applied to some colleges and I've already been reached out by one!"
Matt: "And...?"
April: "...And I got in!"

Oh thank god she isn't breaking up with me!

Matt: "What? April I'm so happy for you!!"
April: "It's my dream college!"
Matt: "That's amazing!"
April: "But..."

April let's out a big sigh...

April: "It's in LA. I got into UCLA!"


I give her the biggest smile...

This is perfect!


April's pov:

Matt looks at me and smiles...

Why is he smiling?! We're going to get split up!

Matt: "That's great! You should go!"
April: "But what about you?!"
Matt: "Don't worry, I'll visit you!"

April: "Are you saying we should have a long distance relationship?"
Matt: "Yeah!"
April: "But-"
Matt: "No buts! Just do it!"
April: "Are you sure? Aren't you upset?"
Matt: "No, I'm really happy for you April!"

It was weird. He's so supportive. I thought he'd be a little upset...

Panera Girl (Matt Sturniolo)Where stories live. Discover now