part two a big mistake

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I sigh happily as I eat my fried bread dough." This is the best ever yummy!" It is my favorite of all time.I'm surprised Alaska can have such a fun fair! Just as I'm thinking this fair couldn't get any better Angie walks towards me. She takes the seat across from me. I haven't talked to her since last Wednesday and it is now Saturday . I can not believe I have been in Alaska for Eleven days already it doesn't seem possible. "Hey Mia, care for a game of skee ball?"  I nod my head and I excuse myself from my table and tell Violet,mum, and John that I'll call them to meet up again later. Angie leads me over to a skee ball machine and I buy a bunch of tokens for the arcade. I love arcades, I have ever since I was a child.  

I choose the empty skee ball machine to her right and start to play. " First one to reach one thousand points gets a frozen ice."She says laughing excitedly as she puts a token in. Yum I love frozen ice. " You are on Angie, but I have to warn you I'm a master at this." She laughs and starts to play. "Why did you turn down James?" She asks me out of the blue a few minutes later. Startled I miss my shot, I turn to see her looking at me thoughtfully." Uhm strange question to be asked by his girlfriend. Don't you think so?" Her face breaks into a smile and she laughs." Oh now that makes sense. I'm not James' girlfriend I'm his sister Mia."  I mentally smack my head ,"Crap that means I chewed him out for nothing for once. I really feel like an ass now."  I notice she's texting someone so I go back to my game. " I hope you will tell James I'm sorry for chewing him out." I mumbled about ten minutes later, its still hard for me to apologize to a guy that can be such an ass. "Apology accepted , now what are we playing for? "  I jump about a mile in the air and turn to see James smiling at me. Angie chimes in and tells him our bet which I now realize I have won .I tell her I want strawberry,  which is my all time favorite.

        James gives me a lopsided smile and raises an eyebrow. "First one to get to two thousand points gets ice cream on me. First one to lose gets ice cream on me." I laugh at his sly bet, I don't mind though. Either way I win even if i lose ! "Deal no one can beat me at this." I point to the pile of tickets on the floor and laugh, I hope they have good prizes here. "That's what you think Mia, I'm the champ when it comes to skee ball!" I laugh as I continue to play. It turns out I beat him by two points. No one has come that close to beating me in a long time.  I want to play the coin dozer but I realize I need more tokens. I get out my wallet,which happens to be in the same pocket as all my tickets. It's a miracle that they don't all fall out. "Stay here Mia, I'll buy the next round of tokens." I shake my head and walk towards the token vendor. " I can buy my own James thanks anyway." He gradbs my wrist and pulls me back gently.

                       " Please let me get them, I wouldn't be a gentlemen if I didn't buy my date everything on our first date!" I'm sure my eyes nearly pop out of my skull. He says it almost like a question but not quite. " No way is this a date James, no way in hell !" I dont shout but he still hears me as im laughing . He grimaces but continues walking, he comes back with two of the largest token cups they offer." Ready for a game of hippo? That one I know I'll beat you at." He chuckles and leads me over to the game. Oh if he only knew how good I am at this game. "Okay if I win you have to win me the biggest prize you can find tonight, if you win I have to win you a Beanie hat." He bursts out laughing as we shake hands. Of course we shake hands upon his insistence. Luckily I win again I collect my pile of tickets and we make our way towards the squirt gun game. When we get there someone slaps a hand on James back. " Hey man why didn't you tell me you were dating such a bombshell? Care for a game, so I can show off and make you look bad."

                     James stiffens but nods his head in agreement. By the looks they are giving each other ,they can not be good friends. "Fine Charles one round. No stakes, I know how much you like to gamble."  If these two were alone I'm betting Charles would have punched James. "Your on Jamie." They each pick a seat and wait for the bell to sound. By now we've attracted a small group of people. At first Charles is in the lead but then James comes up right behind him." Go James you can do it! " what am I thinking? I don't even like James! I guess it's the way Charles keeps downing  James I've always hated people who like to down others. Apparently my cheering was all James needed because he quickly beat Charles three more times. I cheered only once more when I thought for sure that Charles would beat him. "Okay Charles four games is enough I win." I give James a two handed high five while Charles stalks off. James scoops all the tickets from Charles seat and we quickly head to coin dozer. Which I ace I have always had good luck with the dozer.

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