Nothing I can do

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               It's halfway through August and i haven't heard from Andrew since Anna Said she had an Idea. Apparently it worked out , and rather well I take it . I've been spending a lot of time over Angie's , but I think she can tell something up. So I've avoided her for the past week. I have been avoiding James too because whenever I'm with him I feel so guilty and it shows. He's made several remarks about it already. I've told him I just have a lot going on right now, but I know he's not really buying it . I don't know what else to say though ,it's not as if I can tell him Ive been lying this whole time? I sit down and write a letter to him , I am already packed . I've decided to leave early so I don't have to worry for another week.

                               Dear James,

                         I'm leaving for California tonight,please don't ask why. I have been trying to figure out a way to tell you this all summer. But it was just too hard , there are a lot of things you don't know about me . I'm afraid if you find out you'll hate me for lying. I don't know if I'll ever come back to Alaska . I may stay in California permanently . Please don't go searching for anything , let things stay buried . I'm not who you think I am  and I'm very sorry for lying to you. Goodbye James I hope you have a wonderful life. Here is the necklace and bracelet you gave me . Maybe some day you'll find the girl who is your True North.

                                                                                              ,Yours Mia

                    I quickly walk across the street and put the letter with the necklace inside, in his mailbox. I rest the bracelet on top in its box. Then I quickly shove my suitcases in the car and Anna hops in the drivers seat. As I'm putting the last bags in James drives up and jumps out of his car. "Mia whats going on ? Are you leaving?" His hands are on my waist in seconds as he places a quick kiss on my lips. "Ah yes I am James. I'm sorry but I've got to go. " He looks completely shell shocked. "Why ....why are you leaving? Is it something i've said or done? " I put a finger to his lips to silence him. "James it's not you , you have done nothing wrong . I just have to go , I can't really explain . But If I don't leave now I'm going to miss my flight." His eyes are filled with hurt and confusion, I don't think I expected to see so much sorrow in his eyes. " But I .... I thought - what about us ? Is this it ,are we over?"

              He is seriously going to make me cry. "Goodbye James." I hop in the passengers side and we drive off. " You really should have told him the truth I'm sure he wouldn't have cared a bit Mia." I highly doubt that. "Yeah well , I doubt that . It's over now anyway he'll never see me again." It finally hits that I will never see James again,and I burst into tears. "Crap Anna what to I do ?" We arrive at the airport and before I know it we're up in the air. I'm going to miss him terribly ,I'm going to miss Angie too. My phone was going off like crazy so I'm glad it in flight mode now.

We land in California and quickly head to the apartment she had Julie rent for us all. Julie greets us with a big hug, I'm surprised to see that Evan is here as well. "Whats wrong ?" As soon as he sees me he knows somethings up." He envelopes me in a tight hug and keeps me there. I bury my head in his chest and wrap my arms around him. "I left James a letter, I'm never going back .I can't in December he'll find out who I am and hate me for it . I can't stand to see him hate me." He rubs my back lightly then pulls away. He wipes my eyes and sits me down . "You'll figure this out Mia. Although I think its ridiculous that you left him . I'm sure he wont hate you when he finds out you're Amelia Bishop. Just don't worry about it and enjoy yourself for now.If I know James he'll be here shortly." I look at him panicked . "Please tell me you are joking Evan, that is not funny." He shakes his head and laughs.

"What , that man is head over heels for you .Are you telling me you don't expect him to show up as soon as he finds out where you are?" Oh no I hadn't thought of that. I take Evans advice any way. I go to a premier with them tonight. I dress in my sexiest black sleeveless lace dress and have my stylist do my make up and hair. Which she leaves in ringlets around my face. I arrive just as Andrew is . Which he takes advantage of by making sure to take several photos with me . He tries to kiss me on the lips but I turn away. Now the photographers have a lovely shot of Andrew kissing my cheek. "What are you doing, how dare you?We are not together!!"

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