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Ajax's P.o.V.

It was definitely about the anger previously bottled up that I had just released, and his damned beautiful face, but I couldn't resist the provocation.


I know.

Guys don't usually go around kissing the first client that dares them to do so, just to feel guilty afterwards when everything is already messed up and there's not much left to save, which is exactly what *I* did.
Such a perfect idiot.

I mean, I was clearly done for: he was literally one of my boss' closest friends, in other words, I was bound to be fired.

Then why not fucking enjoy the moment while it lasted?

I didn't stop kissing him, who still seemed quite surprised that I actually did what he said, instead I grabbed his head with both my hands and started stroking his hair gently.

He seemed to start appreciating my "work", since he leaned even closer, caressing my cheek with his thumb.
I was really enjoying that totally random making out session, and so, hopefully, was he, when the door behind us rapidly opened.

"My my, I didn't know it was a Russian tradition to greet new acquaintances that way, too bad I missed on that, next time, I hope?" Miss Ningguang surely had a weird sense of humour, and her appearances had the worst timings ever, with this just being one of many similar examples.
She had walked on me doing anything: from watering my lovely cactuses behind the counter, right before my shift, to many lovers I was having fun with in different places.

"I don't like Russian traditions then, Japanese ones seem to be way more polite" I had never seen this woman, but she was probably called Beidou or something, not that I cared.

I and Mystery Man quickly broke the kiss and stepped away.
We both looked pretty flushed.

That situation felt surreal, almost as two siblings got caught stealing cookies from the kitchen table and their parents were scolding them.
That, even if neither of the women seemed to be complaining, or wished to.

I finally found the courage to say something.

"I just wanted to ask if you had my colleague's number, and if you could give it to me.."

Ningguang raised an eyebrow.
"Sure...that's it?"

"Yeah, thanks"

She bent on her desk to write something on a piece of paper, then gave it to me.
I put it in my pocket without checking what it was.
For who knows what reason, I was feeling kinda guilty.

"This was weird" commented the other woman, taking her girlfriend's hand and walking away "well, goodnight kiddos"

"What-" I had almost forgotten about the man next to me that seemed to have something important to ask.

"Yes, the wine's inside, find it yourself Zhongli" and with that, the two women couldn't be seen anymore.

Zhongli, huh?

Pretty decent name.
Kind of too chinese though.

I wished more than anything else too find something familiar in China, that could remind me of my homeland, even a name.
But each one of them was so chinese it made me feel even more homesick...even mine didn't help at all, since it's a greek name.

It is true that I sent letters and gifts to my beloved siblings pretty often, and we made videocalls once a week, but I could still feel the distance.

That, and my parents still refused to talk to me.

I was in a trance, or something, so it was definitely too late when I heard the door close for a second time.
Zhongli had gone out, too.
Felt weird to not even bid goodnight after what happened.

That thought made me blush of embarassment.

I mean, who kisses random men in minimarkets?
Other than me and him, obviously.

Exactly: no one.

Well, I still got that cutie's number, so I could just start it all over and never think about it again.
Not that he wasn't attractive, just.......he didn't seem quite right even for informal acquaintances, let alone being friends or something.

I looked at the torn piece of paper my boss gave me, and I discovered two different numbers instead of one, above the first one was written "Aether", no name was anywhere close to the second, but on the back of the object I found a small message: "you're welcome, btw don't break his heart or you're dead to me, but don't stress too much about it".

That managed to confuse and also scare me more than anything. Ningguang was too powerful to be able to survive as her enemy, but she had the habit of writing her thoughts in a messy, almost child-like, way, with her significant other being the only one to actually understand any of it.

I added Aether's number right away, and thought for a while about the second, then putting them both in my phone cover just in case.

Not that I would have needed an already saved number and an unknown one, but...

I'm just really really curious.
And paranoid.
I mean, you never know when you might need something.

I headed back home and took a quick hot shower. They always relaxed me so much, expecially in Winter, or back in Russia.

How did I manage to start feeling all melanconic  taking a freaking shower??

I would have seen my siblings soon anyways, for Christmas break.
I didn't want to interact with my parents, but if it was to see my little lovely cuties at least once, then it was worth it.


I thought that writing a diary could have helped my psycological situation, but then I remembered I had already tried, forgetting about the whole thing in less than a couple weeks.

I dried myself, then wore a comfy pajamas and lied down on my bed.
I took a deep breath.

Like always, I didn't want to wake up after a couple hours just to go do random stuff for Them, but once you get in the business, you can't hope to get out alive.

<okay. The kiss won't affect almost anything for a huge while, it's not like they'll look for each other or think about what happened. While both Aether and Xiao will become more important soon. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it.
Have a decent life>

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