4-how to get la- erm, promoted..?

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Ajax's P.o.V.

I and Scaramouche climbed on one of the building, then we started searching for the right window almost falling down a couple times.

"It's this one, I'll go first" he murmured.
I nodded quickly.

I helped him get down then asked if it was safe for me to come too.
I got no answer, so I went inside and found Scaramouche laying on the ground and a tall, elegantly dressed man pointing a gun at him.

"Who are you?"
I asked, even if no one in their right mind would have answered in that person's place.

"Shouldn't a thief know who they are about to steal from?"

I tried to get to the young boy, probably passed out, but the man stopped me with one hand, still holding the weapon with the other.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Go away, call your comrades, you don't have anything I might want but they do"

'Shit' I couldn't really think straight, and my brain also decided that this was the perfect moment to notice the guy's beautiful features and start simping for him.
I could see how he managed to seduce a harbinger, with those eyes that looked like a snow storm, and shined bright with the soft moonlight, that tanned skin and sinewy arms, and slightly wavy hair, the same colour of the depht of the sea, tied in a loose low ponytail on one side.

He could have walked on me and I would have thanked him.
Yes, I know I am sounding like gay nd very very horny, but I swear I wasn't, and am not, like this usually.
I just happened to see a few attractive men in those days.

Finally, my brain started working again, so while the man was coming closer, I thought about a plan and came up with an actually good idea.

I fainted.

Not for real, but I am a pretty good actor so that's what anyone would have thought.

I hit the ground pretty hard, sadly. Not like I was unprepared for that, however I had wished for him do get me...with his buff arms.
But I had stopped thirsting over him so I couldn't start again.

Blue-head bent down to check my pulse, and put the gun down, next to his feet.

I then rapidly hit his legs making him fall, and grabbed the gun.
I ran towards Scaramouche and found next to him some documents. I could tell with a quick glance those were the ones we were looking for.

I threw a smoke bomb on the ground, seeing the man was getting back up, and made my escape with harbinger, papers and gun.

Sprinting on the top roofs of some palaces, being chased by an as-hot-as-dangerous man, while carrying a person and some stuff in the middle of the night has never been my kind of fun.

But that's what I was forced to do.
That night's mission was way harder than the usual.
I was so tired, and running didn't help at all.

I threw another couple of bombs, a smoke and a light one.
The dude got frightened, so I gained a few more second to rush down in the street and hide in a quite small car park.

I heard the man coming that way, but I found a bush, and hid in there so well, he didn't find me.

When he walked away puffing, perhaps to keep searching for me, I let out a sigh, then waited for around fifteen minutes.

My breath sounded a hundred times louder than usual, maybe bacause I ran, maybe it was just the tension.
I checked if Scaramouche was still breathing.
He was, thank god.

I was about to get up and carry him to my apartment, then text back for the first time the mysterious number to ask what to do, when Scara's arm started trembling a bit, and he slowly regained consciousness.

He rubbed his eyes as he sat with crossed legs, then he looked at me and asked me where we were.
I told him about what happened, and he seemed to remember something, then exclaimed:
"We have to check the documents! Damnit"

I took the papers sheets and found a small envelope.
I chose to open that first.
It was a bit too heavy considering the volume of the thing.
As soon as I broke it open, a letter slid out of it.
It said: 'to Ajax ******'.
I was really confused at that point.
What was my name doing in those important reports.

I opened the letter and read it two or three times.
I couldn't believe my eyes.
The letter said:
'My dearest Ajax, I have found your recent progress quite amazing for someone of your origins, so I chose to test you.
You had to get these documents within a time limit, or they would have been self destroyed, then open and read this little message in less than twenty minutes.
I am really glad you managed to complete the test, because now you will be able to get a promotion.
The thing is still not certain, since you have to get familiar with the harbingers' methods (please refrain from doing the same with the harbingers themselves), but you might become one.
Remember that being a harbingers means fame in the Fatui, money, and resources, but also much more danger.
Best of luck'

"What a bitch, it's not even signed"
Scaramouche appeared from behind my shoulder.

"Who wrote this?" I questioned.

"Tsaritsa for sure...hey! Look here" he pointed at some words on the letter "told you she wouldn't have been happy with a friendship between us. We gotta exploit this in some way"

"Isn't it like, god level dangerous to mess with Her Majesty?"

"Yeah, so?"

"Whatever, I guess you are just built different"

"I'm gonna take that as a compliment, asshole"

"Anything that makes you sleep at night"

I smiled.
It wasn't all so bad after all.

I still wanted to go back to sleep though.

<heya humans and nots. I am writing much faster than I thought, dunno how long it'll last but for now I'll just enjoy it. Hope you liked the chapter, please comment anything you might want to say, I'll gladly read it. See ya in some days ig>

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