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who am I

that question

rings in my head

is it my fear?

that  rips and tears at me?

am I my fear

no it's such a small thing

when looked at it

at face value

but what is my value?

is it my love?

that dry's and wipes tears

am I my love

no it's such a pure thing

to behold once you have it

you'll never let it go

am I worth holding on too?

why am I

trapped but free

I can be whatever

I deem

yet something always

stops me

I can't be fear

nor can I be love

I refuse to be hate

and sadness can only break

for what I am

I do not know

I just don't want to be alone

yet crowds

chill me

what's missing?

why don't I fit

then again

who does when

they don't know

what they are

the choice is your

but it's never 



what ever is

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