Chapter Two: Staying

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Shadow did most of the talking, this annoyed you slightly, but you were so nervous it didn't matter. Eventually you just tuned him out. You looked around the room before spotting something, "Hey," you said to the others, "My father knows where I am."

"And how do you know?" Shadow asked suspiciously.

You pointed toward the corner of the room, a little robot was flying close to the ceiling, "That's one of my dad's, you explained, "He uses them to spy on you guys, both visually and audibly, plus I've been ignoring messages from him, and this would probably be the first place that he checks if I ever went missing regardless."

"What should we expect?" Sonic said standing up and heading to the door.  Shadow had taken care of the spying robot. You mumbled a response. 

"Huh?" Sonic asked.

"I said probably Metal Sonic, but...please don't scrap him."

"Do you hear yourself?" Sonic asked, "Besides, how are we supposed to beat him if we don't?"

"I-just let him get to me, I can shut him off, Shadow saw me do that."

"It's true," Shadow confirmed, making you smile at him gratefully. He shrugged it off.

An explosion outside signified that your father had arrived, the four of you ran outside. Metal was indeed there as well as about a dozen badniks.

Shadow and Tails took care of the badniks, but Metal went straight for Sonic. You watched the two fight and race, nothing more than two blue blurs. They ran past you and so you yelled out, "Metal!"

The robot appeared in front of you almost at once, "Sorry about before I was just really desperate to get out of there, you know that," as you spoke you casually attempted to shut down Metal once more, but this time he was ready. He grabbed your arm causing you to jump, despite expecting this. Going for the button with the other arm you managed to hit the button just as Metal's hand grabbed you. He immediately powered down.

"(Y/n)! What are you doing?" you heard a familiar voice behind you. You turned, "Dad I- hey let me go!" you fought as your father dragged you into the Eggmobile.

"Help!" you yelled before suddenly you were inside the workshop. You looked around completely confused, but soon figured out what happened. Shadow had grabbed you, and brought you to safety. Looking out the window you saw your father fleeing, and Sonic and Tails trying to bring Metal inside. Shadow stood next to you, he had grabbed his chaos emerald.

"Wait!" you said before he could leave. Shadow turned to you.

"What?" he asked harshly.

"I just...I wanted to thank you for helping me, both times." Shadow looked taken aback, having not expected this, but he quickly covered it up, "Your welcome...Chaos control!"

You stood there for a couple seconds, until Sonic and Tails came inside with Metal.

"He's okay, right?" you asked running over to them to help.

"Yeah, he's fine," Tails said, "Hey do you mind if I take a look at him? I'd love to see how he was engineered."

"Yeah," you replied, "Under one condition, can you help me bring his voice back? It's what I was trying to do before Shadow found me. I discovered something blocking some of his code and my coding knowledge is limited."

"Yeah sure!"

"Wait hold up, are we sure this is a good idea?" Sonic spoke up.

"We'll be fine," you assured him, "I'll make sure he doesn't hurt anyone."

"C'mon (Y/n) let's get to it!" Tails said.

"Alright! This will be much easier with you helping." 

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