Chapter Three: Revelations

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Tails was about to reactivate Metal's voice, but he needed a password.

"Hey (Y/n)," he asked, "Do you have any idea what the password might be?"

"Oh um here let me try-," you typed something in, grinning when it worked, "Yup, it was this one. God, my dad needs safer passwords."

"What was it?" Sonic asked, jumping up from his seat.

"Hatethath3dgehog, one word, with the e as a three." You rolled your eyes, "I think we're ready to turn him on."

"Yeah, we are," Tails said, "But are we sure that's a good idea? I mean it is Metal we're talking about."

"It'll be fine. Like I said, I'll make sure he doesn't hurt anyone," you assured him. Tails hesitated, but pressed Metal's power button nonetheless. You positioned yourself in front of the robot so he wouldn't attack anyone.

Metal's eyes lit up and he looked around, you watched, giving him a second to figure things out.

"Hey Metal again I'm so sorry,  you know I don't like shutting you off, but I really don't want to go back home and I definitely didn't want you to get scrapped again. It seemed like my only option."

Metal stared at you, you faltered slightly, but being used to this behavior you recovered quickly.

"We might have restored your voice too, but we need you to test that out, whenever you're up for it."

There was a pause of silence then a robotic voice said, "Testing," it was Metal.

"Oh my god, it worked! This is great! Thank you Tails!" you jumped up and down, barely able to contain your excitement.

Metal looked around once more, before fixing his gaze on Tails.

"Why?" he asked simply.

"Why what?" Tails responded.

"Why did you help me?" Metal clarified, "You are my enemy, I have tried to kill you multiple times, yet you helped me regardless."

"Cuz that's what heroes do. We help people," It was Sonic who answered, grinning cockily. Metal shifted his gaze toward the blue hedgehog, scrutinizing at him for a couple of seconds. Metal then looked away, diverting his attention back to you.

"Are you injured in any way, (Y/n)?" he asked.

You smiled, "No I'm fine, a little nervous, but fine."

Metal nodded.

"Hey Metal? You're not gonna try to take me back to my dad, are you?" He didn't answer at first, this worried you. It felt like hours—though it was only about a minute—before Metal answered.

"No I won't."

"Promise?" You had to ask, despite how much you trusted Metal.

"I...promise," came Metal's voice. You smiled. As a comfortable silence fell over the two of you.

Comfortable for you at least, you had completely forgotten that Sonic and Tails were still awkwardly standing there.

Sonic cleared his throat, "So that this is all cleared up. Metal, I uh- I think you and I got off on the wrong foot and..." he trailed off, before stepping toward Metal, offering his hand, "Truce?"

Metal looked at Sonic's outstretched hand, indecisive about what to do. He glanced at you and saw you give him an encouraging smile, a twinkle of hope in your eyes. He turned his attention back to Sonic, before shaking his hand. "Truce."

 Shadow's POV

Why? Why did he help you? That's all Shadow could think about. He had only just met you, and I mean your Eggman's kid for crying out loud. It easily could've been a setup, a trick so that the doctor could spy on Sonic more easily. So why would Shadow, why would the ultimate lifeform, take such a big risk? It didn't make any sense. It didn't.

But the look in your eyes. That sparkle of hope as you asked Shadow for help, the desperation you had to leave behind your gilded prison. It was so...familiar.


The answer to that question hit Shadow. And it hit him hard. You reminded him of Maria. A young girl, who dreamed of seeing the world, but couldn't because of things out of her control. The way you had looked at Shadow was the same look Maria always had when she looked at the Earth. The hope, the desperation, all of it. You were even cousins for Christ's sake!

Shadow sighed, he closed his eyes at the thought of his old friend. But what if something happened to you? 

Shadow shook his head. History would not repeat itself.

He would make sure of it.

(A/N: Yeah so it's been like a year since I lasted this and, I'm so sorry. I have no good excuse other than the fact that I had writers block and was procrastinating like there was no tomorrow. I've also come to the realization that I have no idea where I want to take this story. So yeah. It might take awhile for another chapter. Feel free to leave suggestions! Just nothing NSFW. Bye!)


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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