Chapter three

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Ophelia (Ella, Lia, Fe-Fe)'s visions are based off of how Wednesday from the show Wednesday sees her visions.


Ophelia forgot her pencil at home when she was doing homework so it was currently her mission to find one. Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmet were the only family members in her class at the moment.

"Jas. Do you have a pencil?" She asked the blond next to her.

"No, sorry love." He frowned at her and looked back up to the front of the classroom. She huffed.

"Rose. You got a pencil?" She whispered to the girl in front of her. The blond in front of her shook her head and went back to playing with her hair. "Emmet. What about you?"

"Sorry Ella. I don't even have one for myself."

Of course he doesn't. She thought. She looked around and her eyes got caught on the boy next to her. Tyler, she was thinking.

"Um, excuse me. Do you have a pencil I could use?" Her angelic voice whispered to the noirette boy next to her. He looked stunned, his eyes wide and lips parted. She just waited for him to give her an answer.

"Uh- uh, yes I do. One sec." He reached into his backpack to grab the pencil. "Here ya go." He handed her the pencil, their hands touched while she went for the pencil and her vision appeared.

Tyler was swerving around in the parking lot, his van twisting around. Bella, the girl Edward was infatuated with, was in the direction the car was heading. Tyler doesn't turn in time. Bella's eyes widen. The boy in the van can't slow down as he closes in on the brunette.

Outside of the vision, Jasper was holding his wife's hand as she shook in her seat. The other students were freaking out and were backing away from the girl, acting like she was contagious or something.

Bella and Tyler at the hospital. Charlie, the chief of police who just happens to be Bella's father, scolding the boy. Bella assuring him it was okay after his constant apologies.

She pulled out of her vision and breathed heavily. Though vampires don't need air, she felt that she did at the moment. Jasper rubbed her back and glared at everyone, telling them to mind their business.

The teacher went pale but remembered about how her parents told them about her episodes. Little did he know it was just so the people didn't know about her gift. He had calmed down, asked if she was alright, and after she said she was he continued the lesson.

"What did you see, love?"

"He's going get in a crash..."

"Maybe he won't." Rosalie comforted.

"Her gift isn't like Alice's. She sees the future, she doesn't see what could possibly happen. She's different, Rose."


The siblings were standing by their car. Waiting for the crash to happen. "I don't see a van." Edward sneered at his sister, he really didn't like waiting for something to happen as serious as this.

Edward was staring at the girl when it happened. A horn blasted through the air and tire screeches were heard. Bella spun around just to make eye contact with the boy driving. The van closed in on her but went to a halt when Edward used his vampire speed to reach her.

The family of six glared at the golden eyed boy who was retreating from the scene. They all got into their cars and drove away from the school with speed.

 They all got into their cars and drove away from the school with speed

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