Chapter five

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Jasper and Ophelia were hunting when they heard a snap next to them. Three human bodies flashed in front of them, quickly disappearing. Heads were the only part of the body the two could really make out. One red, one black, one blonde.

Jasper shrugged. "We'll tell the others after we hunt. We need food in our system, love. Let's go." His arm reached out to hold her hand. His mate took it with a smile and they ran off together to find a deer to drink from.

When they got home the two heard Edward bitching about how Bella was going to La Push beach. Much to the family's dismay, Edward decided he'd protect her somehow. He's not allowed over there. None of them were.

"How could you possibly watch over her." Rosalie complained to her brother.

"The trees I suppose." He responded, not looking up from his book.

"You're not going to go, Edward." Carlisle spoke firmly. Edward started to behave the teenager he was stuck as and growled before stomping away to his room. He slammed the door, of course. Jasper flinched at the loud sound so his wife decided to rub his hand as a way to comfort him.

"Edward acts like such a teenager." Lia said to her sister. Alice snickered and nodded.

"He's mad he couldn't say yes to the date." Emmett laughed so loud the room echoed with the booming sound. Everyone else started laughing, Edward turned up his classical music in his radio to drown the others' laughs.

Ophelia and Jasper got to what they were going to say earlier. "I don't think it's been murderers, Carlisle." She said to her father. He arched an eyebrow at her and looked down sighing.

"Never thought it was. The signs on the body indicate blood loss from one area. No cuts or any marks, for that matter, on that spot."

"We saw three heads run past us. Our speed. They must be vampires." Jasper spoke up, his accent flowing through his voice.

Alice spoke up, "I haven't seen them. Have you?" She looked at her actual sister who shook her head. Alice sighed. "Nomads coming out here? They probably don't know we're here if they're just going around."

Carlisle looked at his family "The police think it's been animal attacks. At first murderers but with the way the injuries are, they're leaning more towards animals, there's bite marks. But also, Forks is a small town, everyone would know if there was someone killing people around town."

"That's true." Sabrina said.

"Where's Edward? His music stopped. He was just here a second ago." Ophelia spoke. Everyone looked around but didn't see him.

Emmett, concerned for his brother, volunteered to search for him. Carlisle dismissed him and told him— and everyone else —that Edward can take care of himself.


Emmett, Sabrina, Jasper and Ophelia were at home while the others were out hunting, minus Edward. Jasper was cuddling with Ophelia, Sabrina next to them, and Emmet a cross from them reading one of Rose's "girly magazines" as he called them.

Sabrina was playing with Ophelia's hair when she noticed something. "Edward still hasn't come back."

Ophelia looked up at her and Jasper shared a look with Emmet. "Maybe he's finally done with whatever he was doing and went hunting too."

"I doubt it." Sabrina mumbled.

"Let's just put on the TV." Lia suggested.

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