Chapter thirty-eight

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The next day, Rosalie was off spending time with Renesme outside when Edward spoke, "Aro will want us incapacitated before he attacks. Jane and Alec will try and take me out first, because I can anticipate their moves."

"Too bad we don't have your shield." Garret spoke, his eyes trained on Bella.

"Doesn't help me fight though." Bella pointed out.

"No, but it could help the rest of us if you could project it." Tanya then spoke.

"What do you mean?" Bella asked, furrowing her eyebrows. Projecting it?

"She means, shield someone other than yourself." Ophelia answered.

"Is that possible?" Bella asked, turning her head to look between her husband and Carlisle.

The latter nodded his head. "Gifts can be developed, over time."

"At first mine was just in my palms, now I can radiate it all over my body." Kate added in helpfully.

"How do you do it?" Bella asked. Kate opened her mouth and Bella quickly grabbed tightly onto her wrist. "Teach me."

Kate looked at her before looking down at her wrist. "Ow."

Emmett, Edward, Ophelia, Jasper, Kate, Garret, Carlisle, and Bella all walked outside into an open area in the forest where they could still see the home.

Kate stood in front of Bella. "You need to visualize it. See how it moves, what color it is. Now picture it expanding. Will it to go beyond you." Kate explained to the girl.

Bella tries to do as told, but nothing happens.
She turns her head to look at Edward with a frown. "I think she needs something to motivate her." Kate proposed. Edward sighed before walking up.

"No." Bella quickly says, shaking her head.

"I can take it." Edward assured her.

"He says that now." Garret mumbled. Ophelia giggled and Jasper himself covered his mouth, stifling a laugh.

"Focus, Bella, or he's going to be hurting."
Emmett spoke up.

"Not helping, Emmet." Ophelia scolded.

"Edward, I'm not ready to do this yet.-" Bella said. Kate places her hand on Edward and electrocutes him. He lets out a yelp and fell to his knees, "I'm sorry! I said I wasn't ready!"

"Dude, you're not motivating her." Emmett mocked as Edward stands back up.

"You wanna try?!" Edward snaps back. Emmett stepped back and held his hands up in surrender.

Bella tried again, but it didn't work as Edward fell back to the ground again. "Kate!" Bella shouted.

"You seem to lack incentive. Shall I go and see if Renesmee's awake?" Kate asked her, taking a step back and waved her fingers. She wasn't going to obviously, but Bella didn't know that so she took a step towards her.

"Are you crazy?!"

"Alright." Kate nods. "This ones on full power."
Kate places her hand on Edwards wrist who looked at his wife with scared, pleading eyes.  Instead of him crying out in pain and falling to his knees, he only let a look of pain cross his face.

"It's painful, but it's bearable." Edward tells her.
Bella smiles before she stops using her shield, nodding her head. "Okay, we should go again."

"Emmett?" Edward asked, he shook his head and took a step back.

"I'm good." Emmett said, shaking his head.

" Emmett said, shaking his head

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