Chapter thirty three

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As the new married couple walked in, everyone turned to them. "Welcome to the family." Esme greeted with a kind smile.

"You look amazing, Bella." Alice said with her usual bubbly smile.

"Someone's been waiting to meet you." Carlisle told the now vampire.

"Rose." Edward spoke, getting the blonde girl's attention. Rosalie turned around with a baby in her arms. In her arms layer Renesme, the baby looked to be a few months old instead of a day old. Rosalie hands Bella the little girl and offers her a small smile. Renesme put her small hand up to Bella's cold cheek, showing the new mother the first ever memory of her she had.

"What was that?" Bella asked, looking at her husband in awe.

"She showed you the first memory she has of you." Edward answered her, Bella glanced down at her baby before looking at him again.

"Showed me how?" Bella asked.

"How do I hear thoughts? How does Jesper control emotions? How do Alice and Ophelia see the future? She's gifted." Edward answered his wife.

After looking at the baby for a bit longer, Bella noticed her age. "I've only been out for two days?"

"Her growth is unprecedented." Carlisle told her from his place next to Esme.

Jacob then stepped forward and reached for the newborn baby. "Alright, that's enough experimenting for one day."

"Jacob, she's doing great." Edward tried calmly, wanting to keep the situation as calm as possible especially with a bay in a newborn's arms.

"Yeah, let's not push it though." Jacob muttered, going to grab Renesme again only for Bella to pull back with a scowl.

"What's your problem?" She snarled.

"Oh, do tell her, Jacob." Rosalie said with an amused smile. She sent a smirk to Ophelia who giggled and leaned on Jasper.

Jacob sighed as he backed up. Not before sending a glare to Rose first. Edward took Renesme from Bella's arms.

"Look, it's a wolf thing." Jacob started, making a small frown to form in Ophelia's face. Jesper rubbed her back comfortingly.

"What's a wolf thing." Bella growled out a question.

"You know we have no control over it. We can't choose who it happens with, and it doesn't mean what you think, Bella. I promise." Jacob explains slowly, watching the anger start to grow on Bella's face.

"Take Renesme out of the room." Bella said, her gaze not leaving Jacob's, him having a sad dog eyed look.

Rosalie took the baby from Edward and did as told and walked out of the room with Renesme in her arms.

Edward placed a hand on his wife's shoulder but Bella only shook her head. "Edward, don't touch me right now. I don't wanna hurt you."

"Oh." Jacob whimpered. Bella quickly places her hand on the back of his neck before dragging the boy down the hallway, out of the house, and then throwing him down the porch steps.

The family all walked followed and watched as
Bella started to yell at Jacob like a lion growling at it's prey. "You imprinted on my daughter?!"

"It wasn't my choice!" Jacob defended.

"She's a baby!" Bella shouted in response, slowly going down the steps of the porch.

"It's not like that! You think Edward would let me live if it was?"

"I'm still debating it." Edward mumbled whilst looking at his hands.

'I've held her once. One time, Jacob! And already you think that you have some moronic wolfie claim on her?! She's mine!" Bella shouted before pushing him and sending him to the ground.

Leah and Seth quickly appeared only for Jacob to stand back up and hold out his hand. "It's fine, Leah." Jacob assured.

"You're going to stay away from her." Bella ordered.

"You know I can't do that." Jacob told the girl as he stood up. Bella punched Jacob again, sending him back to the ground.

"Stop her, Edward." Esme begged.

"He said it's fine. She's amazing, right?" Edward said in awe.

"Do you remember how much you wanted to be around me three days ago?" Jacob asked. "That's gone now, right?"

"Long gone." Bella growled.

"Because it was her. From the beginning, it was Nessie who wanted me there."

"Nessie?!" Bella screeched. "You nicknamed my daughter after the Loch Ness Monster?!"

Bella moves towards the boy, ready to punch him again only for Seth to stop it from happening.

Bella grabs hold of the wolf before throwing him, slamming him into a tree and forcing whimpers to fall from his mouth as her tried to scramble up.

"Seth, are you okay?" Jacob quizzed the small boy.

"Seth, I'm sorry." Bella quickly apologized. Leah walked over to stand in front of her brother, snarling and growling at the brunette.

"He'll be alright." Jacob assured. He looked back at Bella before speaking once more. "Bella, you know me, better than anyone. All I want is for Ness-" He quickly corrected himself after seeing the rage begin to form on Bella's face. "Renesme to be safe, happy. Look, nothing ever made sense before. You, me, any of it. And now I understand why. This was the reason."


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