Chapter twelve

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The Cullens, minus Edward, were in the Denali's home. Ophelia and Jasper were in their shared room, just cuddling with their cat on their bed. Not talking or anything. The two sat in comfortable silence. Jasper still hasn't forgiven himself for what happened on Bella's birthday party. Everyone else had accepted what happened but he just can't wrap his head around it.

He doesn't understand how his family isn't mad at him. He doesn't understand how the small droplet of blood got him going. He didn't understand how Ophelia was still in love with him. He was sure it's that if they didn't have the mate bond, she'd hate him. But even without the mate bond she could never.

Esme called her family down because Edward was in the phone. He only called every three months, so every call was a treat. Ophelia hopped up with her cat in her arms. Jasper didn't move an inch.

"Jas. He's our brother. Come at least say hi. Please?" She spoke softly to the blonde while stroking the cat in her cold arms.

"He doesn't want to talk to me. Not after what I did." He mumbled in his pillow.

"He still loves you though. What happened won't change the fact that we're family. Family forgives." She comforted. She knew that some people didn't have loving families, but hers wasn't one of those families. And I'm her loving household, they forgive.

Like when Edward hit together with Bella. Everyone forgave him. When Rose and Emmet get physical, it gets loud. Everyone forgives them for ruining their day. Even Ophelia has had her faults. They forgave her. Jasper really had nothing to worry about.

"No." He told her firmly. She sighed and walked out the door slowly closing it behind her.


Due to jasper always being in his room, he never went out to hunt. He was starving. Fe-Fe tried to get him to come out hunting with the others but he declined the offer. He hasn't eaten in so long, that his promise of never killing Luna was almost void. But for the sake of his wife, he didn't.

Ophelia came in with Esme and Alice. The three girls hoping that together they could drag him out of his darkness.

"Hey hun." Esme spoke softly to her son. "How you feeling?"

He didn't answer and instead he rolled to the other side of the bed. Esme sighed sadly, Alice rubbed her adoptive mother's back.

Alice walked up next. She pounced onto him. "Snap out of it. My sister is in pain without you. So is everyone else. Now get up."

Jasper pushed her roughly to the floor. "Fuck off." He mumbled.

Ophelia's eyes started to water. "My love. Please talk to me. Talk to any of us. We miss you." She begged. "Please. At least say something."

"Go away." The male ordered in a normal tone of voice. Alice lightly pulled Ophelia away from the bed, Esme was already in the other room.

"Come on, Fe-Fe." Alice said softly to her real sister.

After a few minutes Rosalie came in. "Okay. It's gone far enough. You better knock it off. You hear me cowboy? You get off your ass, go hunt, and when you come back, talk to us!" She yelled. "We've all had enough of this," she continued to scold him, "you might not biologically be my brother, but I care for you like one."

He still didn't answer her. He just pointed to the door with a glare. The blonde glared at her brother and shook her head.

"No. Enough is enough. Quit it. Ophelia has been so lonely. Alice isn't hyper anymore which is weird. Esme doesn't have her motherly feel anymore. You're ruing everything! Everything was going to be fine with Bella out of the way, but you're making it worse. I'd rather be around Bella than be around you acting like this."

"Then leave the room. You won't have to be around me anymore." He snapped back.

Rosalie was fuming. She marched right up to him and smacked him across the face, a small crack formed. As soon as that happened everyone ran into the room, including the Denalis.

Jasper realized just how selfish he's been. He felt the presence of his mate, slowly he turned to look at her. She was staring at him, the love of her life. Emmet took rose out of the room whilst Carlisle checked Jasper's face. The others all left following after the mother. Ophelia stayed in the room though.

"I'm so sorry." He whimpered. He shook his head ashamed. "I treated you all so shitty."

"It's okay my love. You were hurting. I get it."

"But I-" she cut him off by shushing him and petting his head. He let out a heavy sigh and leaned back into his bed.

"I guess I only needed some sense smacked into me." He smirked.

The brunette laughed. "There's my Jasper." She bent down and kissed him passionately.

I hope you liked it, I worked really hard on it. Happy new year guys! I didn't proof read, so my apologies if anything is spelled wrong.

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