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Elvira was unconscious, she knew that much. What she didn't know was why she wasn't in any pain. The monster had raked it's claws against her chest, she should be dead, but she's not. She should be in pain, but she wasn't.

Another thing she couldn't figure out was why the only thing she could remember about the monster was it's eyes. All she had been seeing for however long she was unconscious was the monster over and over, repeatedly tearing Rowan apart, before turning on her, but when she thought of it's face all she saw were the huge eyes.

Elvira gasped awake, just as the monster had turned it's gaze to her.

"Hey, you're okay," she heard, as the brunette panted. "You're okay, I promise."

She glanced over to see Xavier sitting next to her bed and she almost laughed at the deja-vu that the scene gave her. Xavier offered her a small smile as her breathing started to go back to normal, her heart no longer pounding out of her chest.

"I kept seeing it. That monster," Elvira told him, her voice hoarse. Xavier looked at her in concern.

"What happened out there?" He asked, and Elvira shook her head.

"When I found Wednesday, Rowan was trying to kill her, but I don't know why. And then all of a sudden the monster came out of the shadows, and it practically tore Rowan in two with it's claws. Normally I don't mind the sound of people's screams, but something about Rowan's scared me," Elvira told him, and Xavier leaned forward in his chair, putting a hand on her leg as if to remind her that she wasn't back in the woods. That she was safe, and that he was there for her.

"How did you get hurt?"

"I was so disturbed by Rowan's screams that my electricity sparked on accident, and that drew the monster's attention. I remember it turning to look at me, and all I can remember are it's eyes. They were huge, and looked like they were about to pop out of it's head. I managed to avoid it's first attack, but it got me the second time. I don't know how I'm not dead, because I should be. Then I managed to zap it and it went away. The last thing I remember was seeing you on the bridge, and now I'm here."

Xavier sighed and nodded as she finished her story.

"That was scary," he commented, and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"What was?"

"Seeing Wednesday trying to walk with you practically hanging off of her. You're shirt was completely stained, and the blood was dripping on the ground. I thought you were dead until I got closer."

"How did I get here?"

"I carried you. Wednesday didn't look thrilled, but it was the fastest and easiest way to get you here. I carried you back to the fair, and within seconds you were on a stretcher in the back of an ambulance and off to the hospital."

"So why am I not in the hospital now? How long has it been?"

"The attack was last night. You didn't have any internal damage, but you did need surgery so that they could stitch you up because your wounds were really bad. After surgery, Weems got permission to have you transported back here, and she had a witch do some sort of spell to accelerate your healing. You're practically fully healed, but you might need to take it easy for a few days," he explained.

"Can I ask how you know all of this? Did Weems tell you?" She asked.

"No, I was with you the whole time. I rode with you in the ambulance to the hospital, and then back to Nevermore," Xavier told her, and Elvira's cheeks heated up. He had been with her the whole time. That's when she realized that he was in fact wearing the clothes that he had been wearing at the festival.

Spark • Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now