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TW: slight ableism

'Elizabeth! Hey I've been looking all over for you!' Enid shouted ran up to Elizabeth. Elizabeth's mother looked the girl up and down, 'who is this Elizabeth?' 'This is Enid, my best friend.' Enid reached out her hand as a welcoming gesture, 'Hi! It's lovely to meet you ma'am' Elizabeth's mother begrudgingly shook Enid's outstretched hand. 'Do your parents know your hair is that colour?' Enid frowned slightly reaching up to play with her hairs pink ends, 'Yes, they like it.' Elizabeth's mother hummed in disapproval. 'Mother, Enid has been helping me adjust a lot, she's a great friend.' Elizabeth said, attempting to adjust her mothers opinion of the other girl. 'Don't be letting her encourage you to do that to your hair.' 'Mother will you leave her hair alone? I think it's pretty.' Enid smiled at her friend coming to her defence. 'Anyways  Elizabeth I was just looking for you to check you're ok. Lots of people lots of noises. Do you need anything?' Elizabeth smiled 'No, thank you though Enid, I'm ok at the moment.' 'Ok great! Well my parents will be here any minute and i said I'd meet them outside so i better go. See you later, bye ma'am!' Enid said before she turned and left Elizabeth alone with her mother.

'Did you tell her about your autism?' Elizabeth felt herself become more anxious than she already was at the question. 'Yes. She knows.' Her mother sighed, 'I thought I told you not to tell anyone. I thought you wanted to fit in here.' Elizabeth put her hands behind her back so her mother couldn't see her stimming. 'I do fit in here mother. People here are accepting.' 'You haven't been phasing through things have you?' 'No mother, nobody knows about that.' 'Good, at least you can follow one simple instruction.' 'But if I did tell anyone, it's my decision to make. And that's the same with me deciding who I tell about me being autistic.' 'I am your mother. I decide these things. I told you that I didn't want anyone knowing.' Elizabeth felt tears fill her eyes, 'i'm not ashamed of it like you are.'

Before Elizabeth's mother could respond, a monotone voice interrupted her. 'Ashamed of what? Elizabeth are you ok?' Elizabeth didn't look away from her mother, but she felt a hand connect with hers behind her back to calm down her almost aggressive stimming. 'Who is this?' Elizabeth quickly lifted a hand to wipe her eyes then placed it back behind her back. 'Mother this is Wednesday Addams.' Her mother sighed. 'Elizabeth she's not that walking funerals child is she?' Wednesday looked at the older woman, 'Thank you, i'm flattered.' She turned to Elizabeth, 'are you ok?' Elizabeth nodded silently, she squeezed Wednesdays hand slightly to show her appreciation of her presence. 'Elizabeth doesn't wish to speak with you. Where's that other girl Elizabeth, with the inappropriate hair? Id rather you were friends with her.' Wednesday glared at the woman 'if Elizabeth doesn't wish to speak with me then I'm sure she will tell me that herself.'

Morticia walked over, breaking the tension, 'Lizzie, How lovely to see you again.' Pulling the girl in for a hug, much to her mothers distaste. 'Hi Mrs Addams' Morticia smiled slightly 'Please, call me Morticia.' Elizabeth's noticed how her voice resembled Wednesdays, although it was slightly less monotone it still held the same eeriness to it. Distracted by Morticia joining them, Elizabeth didn't realise hers and Wednesdays's joined hands had moved from behind her into her mothers view. 'Elizabeth. Why are you holding this girls hand?'

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