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'Aw! How cute!' Wednesday opened her eyes to see Enid squealing over finding Elizabeth and her asleep together. 'Enid, Shush.'

Elizabeth stirred opening her eyes slowly. 'Wednesday?' Wednesday sat up slightly 'I'm here.' Enid stepped back feeling slightly guilty about waking the two girls. 'I'm sorry for waking you both it's just, we have class soon.' Elizabeth smiled slightly, 'it's ok Enid, don't worry about it.'

Wednesday stood out of the bed, 'Lizzie we have to go and see the principal, im going to go and get dressed, I suggest you do the same.' Elizabeth nodded 'I'll go get dressed in my room, I'll be back in 5.'

Enid stood watching the interaction confused. 'Why do you have to go to the principal? And how come you stayed in our room last night Elizabeth? Not that I'm complaining.' 'We'll explain later Enid, we're running late.' Elizabeth said as she walked out of the room.


Elizabeth and Wednesday walked hand in hand into the Principal's office once again. 'Elizabeth, Wednesday, how're you both doing?' 'We're ok I think.' Elizabeth replied.

'I spoke to our security, nobody saw anything in the woods last night apart from you two. They did, however, see you arrive after curfew.' This caught Wednesdays attention, 'are you suggesting that we are lying?' Principal Weems shook her head, 'I'm merely telling you what information I have gathered since last night. This is not the first time, Wednesday, that you have been in the middle of a questionable situation. How do you explain that?'

Wednesday continued to maintain her blank face despite her annoyance at the principals words, 'Just sheer luck.' She replied. 'And you, Elizabeth, I know you've only been at this school for a few weeks but this behaviour seems unlike you. Might I suggest branching out your friendship circle. We wouldn't want you falling in with... the wrong crowd shall we say.'

Elizabeth was filled with rage at the insinuation that her and Wednesday were lying. 'We aren't lying! There was something out there and it chased us. If this was made up, why would we have come straight to you alerting you that we were out past curfew? And I know what you meant I'm not stupid, do not ever refer to Wednesday as the wrong crowd, you know nothing about her.'

Principal Weems looked at Elizabeth, slightly shocked by the girls outburst. 'You have a valid point there. If you weren't truly scared and just coming in past curfew you probably would've snuck in. I will take that into account. But Elizabeth?' 'Yes?' 'Don't ever take that tone with me again.' Elizabeth nodded timidly, 'Sorry Principal Weems, it wont happen again.' 'Good. Now off you both go.'


The two girls sat down in their class, ignoring the stares they received for arriving late. Enid was eagerly awaiting their arrival.

'Hey! So will you tell me what happened last night?' Elizabeth hesitated 'im not sure now is the right-' 'We got chased through the woods by a monster.' Wednesday said interrupting Elizabeth. 'A monster?!' Enid said a little too loudly causing the teacher to look over, 'Miss Sinclair, quiet please.'

Enid let out a timid apology before turning back to the other two girls, 'a monster?' She whispered. 'We were walking back from the graveyard, Lizzie had just agreed to be my girlfriend and-' 'Girlfriend?!' She shouted again once again getting the teachers attention, 'Enid Sinclair if I have to tell you again you will be out of my classroom!' 'Sorry sorry' Enid muttered.

'girlfriend?' She whispered again. 'Yes. Focus Enid. As we were walking back we heard a noise followed by a scream. We hid behind a tree, I watched the monster walk past and we thought it had gone. When we came out from behind the tree it was in front of us. It chased us all the way back to Nevermore. We told Principal Weems immediately that's why she spoke with us this morning.' Enid sat with her mouth gaped and her eyes wide, 'Holy shit.' She whispered.

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