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The trio looked at their surroundings. The year was 1959, with clear skies and a perfect day to die for the two deserters they were tasked with locating and giving them the axe. Literally.

Will smiled at the beautiful scenery around them, the chirping birds, the warm sun shining through the clouds, and raining down upon their faces. Meanwhile, Five found his interest directed at the fact that they were dropped off in an alley. Ignoring Five's annoyance at their placement, and Will's comments on the scenery, the girl was focused on finding the location of their targets.

The sooner they accomplished their goal, the sooner they could spend a couple of hours that they had left to enjoy themselves. You see, while it was very out of character for them to be assigned the same targets since it was The Handler who supervised specifically the three's missions, it was not out of character for her to have given them a time limit.

"You have forty-eight hours to find, and eliminate the traitors. I trust you can handle yourselves." her mother's words rang in her head. She couldn't help but also remember after she spoke, how the older woman had side-eyed the two boys flirtatiously during the last part. Mavis shuddered at the memory and disgust flashed on her face.

She shook it off, and sighed, "okay," she looked over at the two, to see their attention was now on her, "forty-eight hours, piece of cake." Five nodded agreeing, and spoke, "yeah, we should be able to finish this well under that time."

"Especially, since the three of us are working together!" Will exclaimed happily. The three nodded and made their way out of the alley, to be met with the loud streets of 1959 Los Angeles. Cadillacs were varying from bright red to green.

Women walking down the sidewalk, with their friends beside them, bags of what one could assume held clothes in hand. The fashion in this decade had clear differences when it came to gender.

While the men wore more casual mismatched clothing, long pants, loose shirts, flat-heeled shoes, and such, the women wore elegant, formal, and matched accessories. Dresses, skirts, and high heels would surely hurt when removed.

While there were many things Mavis disliked about this decade, especially since she was born with shades of brown in her skin. She did admit, she quite enjoyed the fashion. Excluding the beauty standard for women, sexism, and of course racism, this was also the time when the most iconic fashion designers made their debut.

Though she would never admit it, she was a bit of a history buff. It helps that her whole life she's been to almost every decade. Her attention was swept away by a boutique window, where mannequins wore the newest fashion trends on display. Unfortunately, due to this, she failed to notice she was standing in the middle of the sidewalk.

Mavis was thrown from her awe, by a push to her back, which resulted in her falling to the ground. She let out a hiss of pain, having tried catching herself with her hands. Her knees and palms burned, and she was sure she would later see scrapes and bruises.

That was the beginning of her painful headaches, that would appear throughout their time there, and each time would be worse than before.

Hearing her small noise of pain, the boys turned in the direction they heard it from and were quick to be at the girl's side. Will kneeled to her level, placed a comforting land on her back, and grabbed one of her hands, palm up to inspect the scrapes.

His thumb lightly swept across the scrape, unintentionally prompting a hiss of pain from the injured girl. Upon hearing this, he frowned looking saddened at the thought that he hurt her. He muttered a apology of which Mavis smiled assuringly at.

He held a concerned expression, as he asked her if she was okay. And while he did that, Five was standing above them, and while concern laced his fractures, suspicion was the most president. "What happened?" Five inquired, his eyebrows curved in question.

It was funny, Mavis thought in that moment. It was really just a simple scrape. But this display of worry being directed towards her by theses boys, ignited something, inside her she's never felt before. And that begun to scare and excite her.

Before the unruly man could respond with what you could assume would be a rude, racially motivated comment, Mavis stepped in, "I wasn't paying attention and got in this man's way" she stood, accepting the hand Will extended to her, and faced the man. Usually, if something like this happened, Mavis would waste no time in telling the man off considering the look he directed at her that was different then when he glanced at the other two.

It was strange. The glimmer in her eyes as she looked up at the man, contradicted the apologetic smile she placed. It was the same, glimmer as the one you could see in her eyes before she took a life. Five and Will recognized the bloodlust. They didn't make any effort to intervene though. They knew better.

"I am terribly sorry sir. It's my fault,  I really should have been paying attention to my surroundings." she apologized, her voice higher an octave as to probably sound like she meant her words. The man huffed, obviously annoyed that his day was being halted by the brown-skinned girl. "Yeah, well be considerate next time, and watch where you stand ''

He looked like he wanted to say something else, probably harsher than what he did, but when he glanced behind her and witnessed the stern gaze of Five, as he was beginning to catch on he faltered. He seemed to have no problem disciplining someone like Mavis, but with five he resigned himself. Mavis put on a gleaming smile, and waited for whatever next was to come from the man.

Instead of saying more the man began walking away, saying nothing. Upon his figure disappearing from view, Will let out a breath he unknowingly held at the tension, and looked at the remaining two, "wow...that was weird." 

Perhaps it was the time he was born, or how he was brought up, but the genuine unknowingness at what had transpired wasn't in the least bit shocking, to Five. It was almost comforting how innocently Will saw things, but also extremely worrying.  A doubled edged sword.

Five only nodded in agreement, his arms crossed over his chest, as both of them turned to look at the lavender-haired woman, who's back was turned to them as she continued to look where the man once stood. As she spoke, her face mirrored her hidden emotions, as did her voice.

Her eyes were sharp, and fierce. Her voice lowered and fist clenched.

"I fucking hate the 1950's."

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