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POV Adrien:

Teachers isn't here yet, so we are free at least for five minutes. Luka and Zoe also Nino and Alya were talking while Marinette and I spent almost all our time smirking for a reason that myself I don't know

Alya: I heard that there is a new girl coming tomorrow to join our class

Adrien: great, new pussy to try

Luka: she is my sister asshole

Marinette: ouch

Adrien: she is your sister and you are my best friend, so do you mind if I fuck her?

Luka: I'm afraid she will be addicted to your dick; my sister is a player in her old school in London and she had a high record fucking.

Adrien: so, it's fine with you

Luka: it's her pussy, not mine so if she wants that, I don't care, go ahead bro

Zoe: congrats Marinette, you have competition

Marinette: shit

Luka: I don't think she could. She isn't a player like Marinette, she never had a threesome and foursome like you

Nino: rip that pussy

Marinette: I heard that Nino

Zoe: when are you trying to fuck together, Adrien and you?

Nino: I love this topic

Adrien: if she has sex with me, she will just lose, right princess?

Marinette: kiss my ass

Adrien: I would love to

I got closer and whispered in her ear

Adrien: I would love to fuck your asshoe. you will feel just pleasure. My fingers ramming inside your tight hole, so?

Marinette: in your dreams

She answered as she pushed me off. I growled and looked away from the window. The teacher is already in class explaining a boring lesson, and Marinette and I were taking note but I got closer and whispered

Adrien: why don't you talk to me?

Marinette: I'm talking to you Adrien, and we are in class now

Adrien: let's have sex then

Teacher: Adrien, answer the question that I asked please?

Adrien: which question sir?

Teacher: Marinette help him to answer

Marinette: ahh, I mean, would you repeat the question again please sir?

Teacher: fine, I will but in another way. When usually detentions are?

Adrien: after classes

Teacher: good answer, then you both will get a detention for talking in my class

Marinette: fuck

The bluenette cursed under her breath but this would be good for me to have a detention with her

It was finally the end of classes and we are already alone Marinette and I in the class after the teacher left

I had a seat on the teacher's desk, my legs crossed, and also my arms, glancing at the bluenette who was leaning her back against the wall, crossing her arms and legs

Marinette: you are an ass, if you just shut the fuck up, we would be home, getting ready to fuck

Adrien: do you hate me?

Marinette: why should I hate you? we only compete on who is better we both are players sleeping around

Adrien: so why we don't have sex together?

Marinette: because if I ask you for sex then you win and vise versa

Adrien: what if we both ask for it?

Marinette: not even in your dream

Adrien: afraid to love me and get addicted to me after sex, admit it

Marinette: bitch please, there is a chance from a million to fall in love with you

Adrien: you are just lying to yourself ask who fucked with me and they will answer you

Marinette: mhmmm, I'll keep quiet

Adrien: you know the only thing that make me forget everything I did is alcohol, whenever I'm drunk, I forget everything, you should try this then hot stuff

I said with a smirk but the bluenette just lifted both her middle fingers. I lifted my eyebrow and walked toward her, placing my hands on each side of her head, leaning in slowly and close to her face.

Marinette was about to push me but I held her hands and pinned each hand over her head

Adrien: don't try

Marinette: you will rape me?

Adrien: rape isn't my style, but I can give you a trial

Marinette: thanks, you can keep it for another girl

Adrien: I can't, because right now, it's you who make me hard, feel it

I grabbed one of her hands and put it on my boner. A low gasp escaped my lips when her hand was in touch of my covered dick but it was a nice feeling

She didn't take off her hand but she bites and lick her lips

Adrien: kisses and touches aren't counted in our compete, only fucking count. I know you want to touch it and kiss me, I want that too, so do it. I'm full of lust

Marinette: and then, fuck everything

Marinette get her hand out of my grip and pulled me into a lustful kiss as she grabbed me from my neck. We were kissing with hunger, trying to satisfy our desires

I have the urge to touch her, to calm the pain between my thighs, my dick wishes to fuck her but my dignity doesn't allow that, so I will enjoy whatever I have right now.

The bluenette doesn't have any pity on my lips, the same as me, we were almost eating each other's lips, then we started to French kiss. Our tongues were like two swords, we were fighting for dominance, and no one of us gave up

This was the longest French kiss that I ever had in all my life, and no one of us dominated the other. If just this kiss was hot, so how could be her body, and fucking her?

Marinette was rubbing on my boner, and this just increase my pain.

Adrien: ahhhh fuck

Marinette: mhmmm Adrien, this kiss feels so fucking good

Adrien: fix your lipstick, it's fucked up

She nodded and went to her purse to get her pocket mirror and her lipstick and I cleaned my mouth as it was colored by her lipstick color. I was adjusting my clothes as she did also

Our detention was finally over, and when I was about to leave, she grabbed my hand to walk together

Marinette: what about a bet? ....

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