Locker room

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POV Adrien:

It's been already one month since that tomato head is a part of our class and he is flirting with Marinette. My Marinette

Even in class, they don't stop talking till they got some detentions. And whenever I hear detention, that make out session that I had with Mari in the class hunt me

I ask myself, what if they did it? After all Mari is a player so she sleeps around and why not with him

Luka: Adrien, this is the fucking fifth time I called you. Nino asked you a question

Adrien: ah yeah sorry, what question?

Nino: Luka slept with ten girls this week, I slept with six girls, and here a secret, I tried Alya, fuck she is good at sex, I tried also Zoe and .... Are you listening to me?

Adrien: y-yeah, I do

Luka: so how many girls you fucked this week?

Adrien: zero, I didn't sleep around those days

Both my best friends burst into laughter as Luka patter on my back with a funny way

Luka: fuck, you are so funny, no seriously how many? More than 30?

Nino: or 40

Adrien: no really, I didn't sleep around, I'm thinking of Mari and I don't know why. The past month, tomato shit and Mari are really close and I don't know if they are fucking in detentions

Luka: if she is fucking, don't care, you should sleep around like always you know

Adrien: you think she loves that dumbass? He comes yesterday and get my Marinette

Nino: we both know that she isn't yours, you didn't even confess your love for her

Adrien: I will never do that

Luka: what if she loves you too?

Adrien: I don't think so

Nino: you didn't hear her answer, for example try to ask her out and have a good conversation with her

Luka: Nino said a good thing once, and maybe you will get into her panties

Adrien: Luka for fuck's sake, you know that I don't look to fuck her

Both my best friends crossed their arms and raised their eyebrow while staring at me

Adrien: what?

Nino: I won't believe you, you always ask her to fuck together

Adrien: because I'm sure if we have sex together, she will just fell for my charm like every other girl

Luka: you know that Mari isn't like every other girl, right?

Adrien: what should I do?

Nino: confess and ask her out, then go together to a romantic place, and confess and voila

Luka: I confirm, and I tell you, forget about that stupid bet and competition and I don't know what else. If you both are players, you won't win anything but distress and lose time to be together, so get ready to fuck that pussy baby boy

Adrien: I really wish that Luka, so what now?

Nino: lunch, I'm so fucking hungry

I nodded and we left all three of us for lunch to the nearest restaurant. After lunch, before I go to class, I wrote a note about a date and placed it in Marinette's locker for that she finds it

I got my books from my locker and left to the class and I found out that I forget my math's book

I used this chance as the teacher isn't here and went back to the locker room. When I was about to leave, I heard some moans that I kinda know, I heard those moans when I fingered a certain bluenette in the parking

I thought I'm wrong but when I heard her voice asking Nathaniel to suck on her neck and play with her breasts, I was sure it was her.

I walked toward them; they didn't even notice me as the red haired boy was busy eating her neck like a vampire

Nathaniel: that date for Saturday is still on, right? You will get my virginity and ill fuck you? I can't believe that you will be my first, the one I love so much Marinette

Marinette: ahhhh, f-fuck, yes, yes, it is Nath, please keep going

I clenched my fists, I don't know why it hurt me so much, but I turned around and walked to leave till Marinette opened her eyes and saw me biting my bottom lip

She pushed off Nathaniel and adjusted her shirt but I left her behind and went to her locker to get that paper

Marinette: Adrien, wait please

I didn't say anything, I even ignored her, I just tore the paper in two pieces and throw it on the floor before I run away and leave to my class again

Luka: what's up Adrien?

Adrien: nothing, I'm fine

Nino: I don't think so, we will get details later

Minutes later, Marinette and Nathaniel get in, Marinette had her seat next to me but I didn't want to even look at her

POV Marinette:

I'm always unlucky, why should Adrien assist when I'm fucking with one of our classmates.

When Adrien left, I have seen the paper he throws, I got it and assemble it, I found that he wrote something for me

"Mari, it's me Adrien. I would like to invite you for a date this Saturday, if you want, then message me, I'm waiting for you"

When I read those words, my heart skipped a beat, I'm now sure that I fucked up

I always wanted to go out with him on date, but he didn't only overhear that Nathaniel and I are going out but we are going to fuck also and making out in the locker room

I hide the paper in my pocket and I left to the class followed by Nathaniel.

Adrien was ignoring me, he pretends like I don't exist, even if I'm sitting next to him.

I got really hurt, and I know that he isn't the cause, but I'm the one who fucked up badly.

Marinette: Adrien, about the date, I mean ....

The bell ring, and he didn't even care to listen to me, he just left even before the teacher himself. I tried to follow him but I couldn't find him anywhere but when I walked outside, I saw Adrien and a girl who have brown eyes and almost same hair color as me sitting on the bench in the courtyard, holding hands as their fingers are intertwined ....

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