Another Baby

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POV Marinette:

It has been two months that Adrien proposed me. I can't wait to be Mrs. Agreste, and live forever with Adrien, my dream man.

I was always dreaming of such a day, me and him standing in the same aisle

Our little Emma is now three months, she is really so beautiful, and Adrien loves her even more than me. I can't believe that it's Adrien who hated babies, and now he wants more babies

Adrien and I are always messing up at night, especially when Emma is sleeping. Also, my poor Adrien have to go sometimes to the company, for meetings and signing some papers and also checking the clients orders but he spend most his time with me and Emma

Two months ago, Adrien wanted to talk to Kagami to tell her that he doesn't want to be with her anymore and that he will marry me but she traveled to Japan to stay with her mother for some time

I was sleeping on Adrien's chest, both naked a whole night of sex, till we heard the doorbell ring as we both wake up

Adrien: who the fuck is here in such a good morning?

Marinette: I ... I don't know

I said while yawning. Adrien and I checked Emma as she was sleeping peacefully like a little angel. Adrien put Emma's crib beside our bed for that he could look at her before we sleep

We both put on our robes and went downstairs. Adrien went to the kitchen to pour two coffees while I went to open the door and I found .... Kagami

Kagami: good morning

Marinette: good morning

Kagami: Adrien is here?

Marinette: why are you looking to see my fiance?

Kagami: your fiance?

I lift my hand with the diamond ring in front of Kagami's face for that she sees it

Kagami: w-when? But ....

I was about to respond but I felt two arms wrapped around me from behind and a kiss on my neck

Adrien: hi Kagami

Kagami: y-you didn't say that you w-will marry me?

Adrien: Kagami, about that ... I wanted to talk about this matter months ago. You know how much I love Marinette, and now I have a daughter from her

Kagami: that little girl is ....

Adrien: mine and Marinette baby girl. Emma is my daughter Kagami. And Luka asked me to stay with both Mari and Emma to be close to them, to be with my little family

Kagami: but I was your family

Adrien: you are only my best friend Kagami, no more. in some months will be my wedding with Marinette.

Kagami: you l-lied to me? but I love you Adrien

Adrien: I didn't lie, I was really going to marry you, I thought that Marinette moved on so I was going to move on too. Mari is my future wife and Emma is my little daughter that I love and cherish


Marinette: wohoooo less loud baby, our Emma is sleeping

Kagami: y-you got my man

Marinette: he is mine since the begin, but he is blind, no offense my love

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