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POV Marinette:

Girls were staring at me with opened mouths, as silence took over the living room till Alya broke it

Alya: wait, so you both fucked, you know it's him and he don't know it's you and the worst part that you lost your virginity when you are 14 by Adrien that he doesn't know that he is the cause that you are a player now?

Marinette: yes

Zoe: friendly advice, stop this shit now and tell him everything marinate

Marinate: no way, he will just be with me to fuck me only and once he gets better pussy, he leaves me

Juleka: this bitch, then stay like this till someone else get him from you, then you will just stay alone without him

Alya: true, but Juleka, you fucked with him once you joined our class, so how was Adrien in bed?

Juleka: it was so fucking amazing, you should try seriously

Zoe: maybe he has some feelings for you Marinette

Marinette: girls I'm seriously fine, and ill survive, he isn't the only man here

Juleka: my brother hooks up with Zoe, Alya and Nino sometimes fuck but not always, for me, I'm always fucking around

Marinette: ill just do as Juleka, I won't die without Adrien... hopefully

I said while whispering the last part. The sleepover wasn't the best, especially for me, and once everyone left to sleep in Adrien's guests room, I was cleaning some of the mess with Adrien. We were washing the dishes together, Adrien's eyes looking at me, I can feel it

Marinette: even if I'm not looking at you, I can feel your eyes on me, what's up Agreste?

Adrien: I'm thinking of how would be awesome if nothing of that bet or that competition is made between us. Things would be different, It won't be necessary to buy condoms also ....

Marinette: wait, do you mean that you will fuck me raw?

Adrien: sure, I trust you Marinette. You don't know how much I want you; I need you

Marinette: for sex that's it. Good night, Adrien

I wiped my hands and walked upstairs without saying a word to him. I take off my clothes getting ready for a bath to clear my mind

I rested my hands on the counter, looking into the mirror then I closed my eyes. his words don't leave my mind, Adrien and I together, would be awesome, I would stop all of this, I would be able to tell you that I have a crush on him

My eyes are shut closed, thinking only about Adrien till I felt two muscular arms wrapped around me

Adrien: shuuu, it's me princess

I opened my eyes and I saw Adrien's reflection on the mirror, he was totally naked. His naked body was against mine; his dick was rubbing on my pussy from behind

Marinette: A-Adrien, we can't, you ....

Adrien: we can, forget it, no one would see us, no one would know about it, and even if they know, they are our best friends, they want that.

Marinette: I-I don't want to lose

Adrien: I don't care, I'm the loser, I lost a bet, but I won you Marinette. Let me fuck you once, let me be in your life, I need you, I want you so much

I couldn't hold it anymore, I was rubbing my breasts, I was getting wet for him. I turned around and rested my hands on his chest as I stared on his electric emerald eyes

Adrien: I know you want it princess, let me give it to you

I shivered when I heard his sexy voice exiting me. I could feel that I'll cum at any moment right now just by his voice

Marinette: fuck me, I'm yours Adrien, don't be easy on me. kiss me, lick and suck me, eat me and take me however you want

I could see his smirk from the mirror. He massaged my breasts from behind as he gave some squeezes on my nipples while licking my neck

Marinette: ahhhhhh, fuck yes

One of his hands left my breasts and went down to my pussy. He rubbed on my click with his fingers so fast, the way I lost my mind and grabbed tight on the sink

His fingers were teasing my clit till my cum drip all over my thighs. Adrien kneeled and licked my thigh up to my pussy and licked all my cum

Adrien: we shouldn't waste such a delicious and tasty cum

He pushed three fingers without warning in my wet pussy and with his other hand, he slid a finger in my asshoe as he thrusted in both my holes really fast

Marinette: holy shit, y-yes, just like that, f-finger fuck me like this

Adrien speed his fingers pace in my holes, he was sure to rub my insides and reach parts that no one was able to do even with their dick. I was a moaning mess, only his name is coming out of my mouth

I felt my legs shaking, I was about to cum but Adrien got some towels and put them on the floor then he laid on them

Adrien: sit on my face

I blushed and nodded. I sit on his face as he licked and sucked on my folds, and tongue fucking me. it was amazing when I cum and flooded his mouth with my cum

Adrien: ride my dick princess

I smirked but I just get on top of him as my face was facing his huge dick, I grabbed it and stroke it for some minutes. Adrien grabbed on my ass and slap it hard sometimes but I enjoy that

I put his dick in my mouth and bobbed my head as fast as I can, trying to get all of it and deep throat him. Adrien let out some sexy groans. I when I felt him close, I sit on him and put his dick in me and bounced up and down. He was only half way, but I wanted to get all of him. I got down till I felt all of him inside of me

Marinette: ADRIENNN

I screamed as his dick stretched my insides. Adrien smirked and grabbed my hips and bounced me on his dick. Without pulling out, he flipped us, my back was on the towels and he lifted my waist and fucked me really fast and deep that I released all my cum

Marinette: f-fuck Adrien

Adrien: I'm close baby girl

Marinette: finish inside of me p-please

The blond thrusted for more two minutes till he finished in me and all his cum drip out of my pussy when he pulled out

POV Adrien:

When Marinette left me downstairs and went to her room, I finished the dishes and knocked her door but she doesn't respond so I walked in

I didn't say anything but I found the bathroom door closed. I was about to knock but I hears the cutest, sexiest moans that I ever heard. Marinette's moans were filling the bathroom and I was able to hear them

I got excited and I felt that I'm getting hard and what make it worse for me, is my name coming out from Marinette's mouth.

I knocked while I was blushing till Marinette opened the door, a towel wrapped around her chest and a shade of pink covering her cheeks when she saw me

Adrien: what's up Mari?

Marinette: w-want to have a shower with me? ....

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