Moving with him

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POV Marinette:

I was waiting in my mansion for my friends. I waited for them for almost 45 minutes, I was stressed, I seriously have a pain between my thighs, a feeling that I never felt before

I heard the door knock, I opened for them and they all went to the living room, as all had seats, all were staring at me

Marinette: Luka, wipe Zoe's lipstick from your neck, Nino, buckle your belt, Juleka zip your jean. As I see everyone was having fun

All of them did what I said but they all smirked looking at me

Luka: not only us, looking at how you were walking like a retard

Marinette: that's why I'm here, I need a serious help

Juleka: hope it's something good, because I dumbed a good fucking man, with a good dick

Luka: Jules, keep that to yourself

Juleka: everyone in this place is playing around, so that's fine

Alya: can you all shut the fuck up and let this bitch talk, hope it's a good cause as she interrupted my fucking night

Marinette: I had sex with Adrien

Luka: the fuck, finaaaaly, we were waiting for that

Marinette: and he don't know that we had sex

Zoe: haaa? How he had sex with you and he don't know? he gave his dick to someone else?

Nino: he is drunk. Adrien don't remember anything once he is drunk

Alya: with or without a condom?

Marinette: without, but I'm on pills so that's fine

Juleka: finally good news, now fuck the bet, fuck that fucking competition, after all I think that competition is already forgotten, he is with Kagami flirting and you are with Nath

Marinette: for fuck's sake, you know how much I love Adrien

Luka: fuck. Mari, tell him your feelings, why are you so stubborn

Marinette: I can't, I really can't

Nino: and for how long you won't tell him?

Zoe: I don't even know why you don't confess. You were afraid to have sex with him and fall in love, and it's done, you are already in love with him, so the worst has been done

Alya: Zoe is right, for the bet, tell him that you have lost, but at least you will win each other

Marinette: he loves Kagami

Luka: did I missed an episode? This bitch just come today and he is in love?

Marinette: she is his childhood best friend

Nino: fuck her, Mari you want Agreste or not?

Marinette: yes, I want

Luka: Mari, want my advice?

Marinette: yes

Luka: tell him or you will seriously lose a lot of things, you had a chance, and that's it

Marinette: what if he rejects me?

Luka: he won't

Marinette: but first, can you join him, he told me to come home, and to be honest, I don't want to tell him right now that we had sex. Stay there and tell him that I come but I left because I had an urgent phone call from mom

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