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jaehyun wasn't expecting to hear the doorbell ring. he knew taeyong said he could come over to his house through several very enthusiastic texts, but he honestly didn't think he meant it.

keeping bluebell the dog in hand, he heads downstairs into the flower shop and not to his surprise per se, taeyong is there on the other side and he waves.

"why—" jaehyun starts when he lets him in, but taeyong cuts him off.

"i wanted to see you," he says simply, nudging aside cut leaves on the floor with his foot. "is ms. jung home?"

"no, she met this dude when we were in new york, they hit it off, and they're going on a date now," jaehyun answers. "i'm happy for her. my dad was a real arse, whenever he went."


"anyways," jaehyun shakes his head. "come on, let's go to my room."

once they're there, jaehyun sits cross-legged on the bed with bluebell in his lap, taeyong across from him. at first, neither speak to each other, not too sure what to say. it's been exactly a week of dating now, and those times still come around.

until someone broke it.

"why are you wearing jeans?" jaehyun asks and taeyong bursts out laughing.

he was—ripped jeans only really ripped at the knees, topped off with a basic light pink t-shirt. he smiles after his laughter dies down. "i wasn't going to walk my arse to your house in pjs, jae. honestly."

"you didn't drive?"

"parents would've been suspicious if they saw my car missing, so no," he shrugs before their eyes meet. "plus, it doesn't matter, i came here regardless to see you and only you."

for another moment, there's silence again. then, taeyong leans in and at the same time, jaehyun does too, kissing each other with a sense of ferventness they hadn't experienced yet before. arms wrap around his waist, and jaehyun rests his hands in taeyong's hair, tugging him closer. bluebell had fallen off his lap somewhere. where, he doesn't exactly care at the moment.

he feels eager hands tug at his slightly oversized shirt and jaehyun doesn't mind in the slightest, pulling only briefly to catch his breath before diving right back in. that above the clouds feeling returned in full force, mixed with a strong feeling of want for taeyong, to kiss him until his lips are red and nothing but the memory of them left on them. hands slip under his shirt, cold against his warm skin and he nearly jumps at the sudden contact.

he lets himself pull away again to gasp, and taeyong goes for his neck instead, and jaehyun slides his hands down to clutch fistfuls of taeyong's shirt.

it could've gone somewhere. it really could've. with the feeling in the heavy air and how much warmer they both felt in the moment, but the sound of a door not too far away opening with a loud announcement of, "jae! i'm home!" make taeyong abruptly pull away and his wide eyes meet jaehyun's.

"she doesn't know that you came," jaehyun mutters. "shit! hide!"

"where exactly?"

"uh—" jaehyun looks around his bedroom. not too small, yet not large in size, with a closet just near the door. "the closet."

"oh, so i can come out of the closet again," taeyong grins. "nice."

"just get in there, mr. comedian."

taeyong kisses jaehyun one last time before he does so, disappearing inside. footsteps sound closer and closer, and soon enough, his mother is opening his door, poking her head inside. she was wearing make up and her hair was styled more neatly than usual. her dress, of course, was painted with flowers.

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