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In a forest...the moon shine below to show some of it in ruin...and corpse lay fallen...marines, O.D.S.T and enemies...Covent jackels, Grunts, brutes, few hunters and Elites....but among them a spartan without her helmet and a needle through her stomach. ..begin treated by an odst, the last and final one standing...

???1: (groans) that's going to leave a mark... (coughs violently)

???2: save your strength, the evac should be here...

???1: no it isn't...

???2: wh-no they will be here...

???1: (she slowly reached to her neck to pull out a chip) no they won't...(coughs) there's to many  ground forces...it only a matter of time before it's glassed..

???2: then I'll carry you if I have to. Am not leaving you behind..

???1: (Chuckles softly) you wouldn't be able to...here take it (shows the chip)

???2: keep it I'll make sure we both make it out...

???1: we won't...please...take it...


???1: I know you can't make a spartan a promise...but as a solider...

???2: (hesitantly grabs it)...

???1: if I may...what do you think of me...

???2: your a leader...fighting for what is right even putting yourself at harms..

???1: (chuckles softly) so you see me as a normal person...not some machine...

???2: yes and that's why I'll try to get you out...

???: you won't...it really the end for me...

???2: no it's not...

???: can I ask for a favor...

???2: (nods)

???1: take care of him....but never forget to be human like me.....

Her eye were empty...losing color and a pulse...

The ODST could only grip onto the chip...and slowly stands...grabs a rose and places it into her hands...then gently placeing his hand over her eye's he closes them...

Getting up take one last glance at the battle field of Spartans and his fallen brothers and sisters...

That day will forever be scar into my head...the day I couldn't save a single of my friends and our squad leader....all dead as well as me....when I left that field...that plant something inside me died...and what was left of a husk of his former self....now a ghost...not human nor machine...but a husk

To be continued

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