Ch.3: New Little To Town

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[[Female Narrator: day begins like a Normal day in Lavender town. Calm. Soothing listening to the pigeottos and the other flock of bird type Pokémon as our girl wakes up. Here she is now.]]

*She wakes up and stretches out and does the most cutest yawn ever. She headed to her balcony that's part of her room looking out at the new world she is in. Her mom left her a note on her tv with tv on it. It said.

Syl-Syl .  Please be a dear and clean up the rest of the room with boxes and put the empty ones u have in the attic. Also your friends are heading into the market. I would love for you to join them. I left you 50 dollars on the counter. Please be safe while me and your father are out. Love you dear.
                  Mama and DaDa

*After she got done reading the note. She folded it up and slowly turned her head with fear in her eyes. She really doesn't like attics since this is a new home and apparently a haunted house in her mind. She gulps and grabs one of her flashlight bracelets and started to put up the boxes. She saw spiders and webs and rushed down the ladder and and ran back to her room and grabbed disinfectant wipes and spray. After she was done she headed downstairs and saw her breakfast in the microwave and made a cup of hot tea as well. She ate her breakfast and grabbed a napkin and jumped when her friends knocked on the door*

Haunter: "Hey Sylvea are you ready? Your mom wanted us to show you around this town. Like it's cool but we know where all the cool things are at. Like this place called "Garb-chomp" it's supposed like a cafe I think. It's new and is opening up today. I would love for me and you to like check it out. So are you in?"

*When Sylvea approached the front door. She saw Haunter in like a Pastel gothic style. All Sylvia can think is "omg you look so cute. I want to hold you and hug you forever" and blushed but used her hair to hide it.*

Sylvea: "Y-Ya I'd like that. My mom left me 50 dollars so ya. We can do things."

*she noticed that Haunter was alone and blushed even redder and said trying not to stutter*

Sylvea: "Um where's your brothers?"

*Haunter replied*
Haunter: " Gaster is some how a stupid employee their that and that my mom wants me to hand him his wallet sense he apparently left it being in a hurry to his new job. So ya. I got my bike so you want to ride with me or do you have one?"

*The moment Haunter said that started blushing red as well and her eyes got wide looking at Sylvea blushing in beet red color and all Sylvia could do was nod in agreement wanting to ride with her*

Haunter: "Cool please hold on to me while we ride to the place"

*So they both got on the back and Sylvea was latched onto her tightly and smiling and was looking over her shoulder seeing the area in a new light now. So bright and glittery. All Sylvea could do is smile. When they arrived. They went to place and saw a lot of people and Sylvia started to feel a bit overwhelmed but Haunter looked at her and smiled and said*

Haunter: "Sylvea it's ok. You don't have have to be over whelmed or scared. I won't let any one or any thing get you. You can trust me ok."

*Sylvea gripped her hand and smiled and started to calm down feeling Haunter calm aura surround her and she began to cling to her arm and smiled and replied*

Sylvea: " ok Haunter I trust you and I kinda feel safer around you ever sense we met. So I want us to hang out like this more often if that's ok with you?"

*Haunter replied with a lil blushing behind it*

Haunter: " Actually same. Something about you makes me feel more calmer and can do things like more of my art and stuff. So ya here  let me give you my Tweeter cause unlike my brothers. I ain't stupid to note out random stuff."

*Sylvea pulls out her phone as does Haunter and they scan each others codes and become social friends now. When they looked at other again they blushed so red again and looked away. Then Haunter said*

Haunter: "Um like do you want um go check out this new place called "Star Gazing"? It's supposed to be this big picnic area way up on the hill with a big tree. Wanna go their after this?"

*Sylvea nodded and said*

Sylvea: "Haunter I'll go any where with you. You keep me calm when he hangout and I'd love to get to kno........."

*Haunter kissed her and and then stepped back and blushed and said*

Haunter: " I didn't mean to do that. You probably think I'm a weirdo now. I kissed you. I'm sorry I'm sorry please don't get mad at me. Don't tell my mom please. I don't want her to know."

*Sylvea walked up her and smiled and kissed her back and Haunter grabbed the back her head and Sylvia wrapped around her waist as they kissed for a solid 47 minutes and when they stopped . Haunter replied with a smile.*

Haunter: " I guess that makes us a official couple doesn't it? But we can't tell any one about this. You parents and my parents would probably hate this. I don't care what society thinks. I know we barely know each other. But we can take this journey together and fight it. Right?"

*Sylvea smiled and nodded and hugged her. They went to the place and looked at the stars that night and cuddled and dozed off on the blanket Haunter bought at the store and the both smiled so happily*

[[ Female Narrator : "What will be happening in the next chapter. Will they be caught? Will Sylveon or Haunter get a job together? Who knows. Let's see what happens in the next chapter in her life. Thank you for reading see you soon reader]]

Sylveon adventures: Lavender townWhere stories live. Discover now