chapter 10 marry kiss kill

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*after lunch//class*

I Walked into Spanish class witch what was werid because we only had it once a month...

I took a seat.after a few minutes Robin walks in and takes a seat behind me

*Time skip//20-ish minutes later*

Robin and some of his friends were all talking and pretty much being annoying, throwing paper,pencils,erasers

I had enough and finally said something.i turned around to face them

"Can you guys stop being so annoying?!" I shouted angrily at them all

They all stopped and looked at me

Robin: "prefiero morir de amor"

I looked at him confused.i knew spanish but just a little


After the bell rang,I went to my locker to collect my bag, jacket etc I closed it and then put my back to the locker and got out my phone from my pocket

I translated what I heard Robin say

The result was

'i'd rather die love'

I raise my eyebrows with my hand covering my mouth

"Hey chica"

I turned around quickly to see Robin

Robin: "whoa,did I scare you?" He said with his hands up
I sighed "no"
Robin: "what were you doing?"
"Uh nothing"
I said while I hurried my phone back into my pocket
"Anyways,back in class what did you say?"
Robin: "hm?" He said confused,putting his hands into his pockets

"In Spanish class.what did you say?"

Robin chuckled

"Was it a cuss word?"

He looked at me,now crossing his arms

Robin: " was nothing,don't worry about it"


Finn: "yo guys guys"

Me and Robin turned to him,seeing Gwen,Bruce and Donna behind him

Robin: "what's up Finn?"

*They do their handshake*

Finn: "I got tickets to 6 flags tonight!" he said jumping up and down with the tickets in his hands

"I thought they were sold out?" I said to him shocked

Robin: "they say that to trick people"

Finn: " everyone just meet at me house at 5 and I'll have my dad take us there" he runs off with Gwen and the others


When it reached 4 I took a shower,brushed my teeth etc

I got my outfit on,slipped on my shoes,tied them

I got my outfit on,slipped on my shoes,tied them

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I left my house,untangling the wires of my walkman,then playing slipknot.once I arrived at Finn's I knocked stopping my music as I saw Finn opening the door

Finn: "oh great Y/n your here.come in" he said moving himself to the side allowing me come in

I walked into the living room seeing everyone here Donna...Bruce...Gwen and Robin...

"Finally!" I heard Robin dramatic,standing up from the couch

I gave him a werid look as we made eye contact

Robin: "you girls take forever to get read-

Finn: "OKAY!" Finn shouted

"Let's just going" He said sweetly,adding a smile to it


We arrived to 6 flags,handing the guy our tickets and then allowing us to walk in.there was a bunch of roller coasters and rides, little shops,games etc

Gwen: "FINN,LOOK THE CAROUSEL" she said dragging Finn over

Donna: "I'm gonna go with them,you guys have fun"

Bruce: "yeah me too,I'll see you"

After Donna and Bruce catched up with Finn and Gwen,me and Robin both looked over at eachother time to time,not knowing what to say or do

"So,where do you wanna go?"

"I don't know,where do you want to go" he said

"I don't know that's why I asked you!"

Robin looked around and saw a Ferris wheel

Robin: "there" he pointed

"The Ferris wheel?"

Robin: "no,the fucking forest,yes the damn ferris wheel"

"Ok jeez,let's go on the Ferris wheel then"

We walked over to the Ferris wheel,with Robins hand around my waist making sure I was close.once it was our turn to go on.we went on the next hut that was next


"Whoaa" I said when we made it to the top seeing the sun setting

"It's so pretty right Robin?" I said turning back to him,seeing him staring at the view to

Robin: "it is pretty" he turned to me, making our eyes lock for a minute.


The ride was over,and it was time to exit,we exited the Ferris wheel and went down the steps into the grass again

As we were walking.we heard our names being called.we stopped walking and turned around to see Finn,Bruce,Donna and Gwen

Robin: "hey guys,how was the carousel"

Gwen: "it's was the best!"

Finn: "Omg guys look!" He said as we saw him looking at something, pointing at it

We turned around and saw the ride the fireball,it was flipping like crazy even upside down

Bruce: "Omg we gotta ride that!"

Robin: "yeah we do!"

Gwen: "I'm gonna stay back"

Donna: "I'm with gwen,that looks scary"

Robin scoffed

Finn: "their not wrong,its very scary looking"

Robin: "what?"

He turned to Robin "it even goes upside down!"

Robin: "that's nothing,come on Finn,ride it"

Finn stared at Robin with both of teeth together,scratching the back of his head

Finn: "okay,fine fine,it gonna be fine"


The next thing you know me Robin,Finn and Bruce were all on the ride with Finn screaming his head off


While on the ride,intentionally I grabbed onto Robins hand.we turned to eachother but didn't say anything,I just looked back


After the ride Finn pucked into a trash can,with Robin rubbing his back


me Bruce and Robin were just laughing while Finn was ranting

Robin: "clam down Finn,let's get some cotton candy for you" he said swinging his arm around him


971 words  😭
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