Hanging out

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What a nice morning i thought while making breaking. Also thinking about what i should get done, I am a writer after all. 


I turn to see Dazai standing in the doorway.

"The fuc-"

"Get dressed Y/n! We're going somewhere!" Dazai interrupted with a huge grin.

I was about to protest but...it's Dazai so there's no point. "Well watch my food then" i said plating it then going to my room to change.

I change into decent clothes, simple jeans and an oversized hoodie.

"Y/N!! Hurrryyyyyyyy" i hear him whining.

Walking out of my room he dragged me out of the apartment before i could even get a bite of food.

"HEY!" i angrily yelled.

He took me out for lunch and to random places so honestly it was pretty nice.


"Ugh i hate working here" I muttered walking with Chuuya.

We had a pretty tough mission today. We got our asses kicked but it was successful in the end.

"Hey wanna go out for wine?" Chuuya asked turning to me.

"I've never actually drank so why not"

"Seriously?!" he sounded super offended, "Well then" he grabbed my hand " We'll just have to get the best kind tonight" he said dragging me to the nearest store.

"What about the rest of today's work?" i asked giggling.

"Doesn't matter" he said looking through the selection of wines. "Got it!" he said grabbing two bottles."Lets go" he cheerfully said.

Yea turns out i'm a sad drunk....


Yet another normal day bringing Dazai food.

Entering the office i set his food down and plop down on the extra chair. "God i'm starving..." i muttered to myself, watching Dazai gobble down his food.


From the corner of my eye i see Atsushi. "Hey Y/n!" He said walking towards my direction.

"Hey Atsushi" i said holding my growling stomach.

He pulled coupons from out of his pocket, "Want to try the new diner across the street with me? You seem hungry" he asked with a slight blush on his face. 

"Sure" i say standing up and grabbing his hand.

Of course causing him to blush.

"HEY Atsushi don't fuck my sibling" i heard Dazai yell behind us.



Ah another slow day at the candy store.

I have my head resting on the counter and a strawberry candy in my mouth. Peaceful.

I hear the door open, lifting my head up i see my good friend Ranpo entering, "Y/n I'm borreeddd" he said sitting criss cross on the counter.

"Yea me too buddy" i said patting his head. 

"We should go get some cake!" he said excitedly.

"Ranpo i'm working i can't"

He grabbed my hand and gave me the saddist look.


"Fine only if you pay" i say with a small smile.

"YAYYY" he yells jumping off the counter and grabbing my hand.

He surprisingly waited patently while i closed up the shop and off we went to get cakes.


I now have motivation to rewrite these cuz of my new bestie

when you see this, ily.   

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