Another New Character Added

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Btw sorry if i portray him badly aswell (although hes my bbg). id love critisizm.(im dyslexic) pic doesnt belong to me btw


How You Met: 

Another night another roof top drawing session.

Climbing up through the ladder with my pencil in my pocket and sketchbook in mouth. When i finally reach the top i see a slim figure just standing there.

Odd considering i'm normally the only one up here...

"Hello?" i ask nervously, now fidgeting with my jacket sleeves.

He turns to look at me, "Why hello there" i hear him speak with a heavy russian accent and waving hello.

"You just move in here or something?" i say still fidgeting.

"Yes actually" he says before noticing my sketchbook, "What do you have there?" pointing to my hand.

"Just a sketchbook" i say while going to sit next to where he's standing.

He sits down as well, "May i see?" 

"Sure" i flip through it showing him the sketches and paintings that fill each page, he seems to be enjoying them.

In the middle of flipping through the pages he stopped and admired one, a renaissance styled painting. Although it was a big fail...

"I really enjoy this one" he said still admiring it, "Do you have anymore like it?" he asked now looking at me.

"No but you can take it though" i requested. 

"Wait really?" he asked excitedly. I can see a sparkle in his eye's.

"Yea", i take the sketchbook and gently rip out the page, handing it to him after.

He took it and gently stashed it away in his pocket. "I never told you my name, I'm Fyodor" he said offering out his hand.

"Y/n" i said shaking his hand.

After a while longer of talking and exchanging numbers we parted our way's, heading back to our apartments.

I didn't get to sketch but i made a new friend.

 Hanging Out:

Thank god it's the weekend, Art school is so stressful sometimes.I was tiredly sipping a cup of coffee when my phone buzzed beside me.

Fyodor<3: Hello Y/n, Wan't to hang out today?

I thought about it for a bit, Its not like i made any plans for today other than getting food for my rats. That can wait actually.

Me: Sure :) what's ur apt number?

Fyodor<3: 209, See you!

I giggled a bit, he seem's to be happy about that.

I got up to wash out my cup but my dumbass tripped on the floor board and dropped the mug.Fuck i muttered cleaning it with my bare hands.

"SHIT" i yelled gripping my now bloody hand, "Damn that's one big gash" i said examining the gash in my palm, i cleaned the rest of the shards with a broom and wrapped up my hand.

I got changed into an oversized shirt and a pair of jeans. Good enough i said to myself leaving my apartment and heading to Fedya's.

*Few minutes later*

I knocked on his door and when he opened it i saw his expression change from blank to happy.

"Y/n!" he said happily, then glanced down and saw my hand, "Y/n What happened!" he asking gently gripping my bandaged hand and leading me inside.

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