Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

    Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit heavy, Elena complained suddenly: "Do you know what I experienced in the illusion? I was chased and killed by my parents!" Elena suddenly complained,

    "What?" People think they have heard wrong.

    Elena nodded: "You heard me right. I have an Alpha brother, and my parents want to have a cute and soft Omega child, so even though I am an Alpha, they keep stuffing me with dolls and flowers They didn't let me touch mechas since I was a child, and they wanted to raise me into a quiet and well-behaved Omega."

    "Later, you also saw that I entered the First Military Academy and majored in mecha manufacturing. Alpha will I didn’t fail in any of the things I did. In the environment, my parents chased me with Omega things, and they scared me to death.”

    “Hahahahaha…” Elena’s words attracted the rest of the group. Everyone laughed, who would have thought that this is what happened in the illusion?

    "What about you?" Elena couldn't help asking curiously.

    Chen Xiyuan scratched his head, and said in embarrassment: "In high school, I sent love letters to Omega and was discovered by the teacher. Then in the illusion, the teacher asked me to read the love letter and review in front of the whole school."

    "Then did you have any results with that person? "

    Chen Xiyuan sighed: "Don't mention it, I found out later that he is also an Alpha, but he is more handsome and shorter."

    "Then you are really miserable."

    Bai Jingli looked at the time and said, "Okay, Have you adjusted your status? Let’s take down the stronghold first, and we’ll have some time to chat when we go out.”

    Elena stood up reluctantly: “Okay, then you all have to tell me what you saw later.”

    The last stronghold was not too difficult. The surrounding defense devices were similar to the B-type strongholds. Several people had already experienced the previous ones, so naturally they didn't find it difficult. As long as you are not confused by the things in the illusion and reach the A-type stronghold before other teams, you can win. The moment they occupied the stronghold, the five of them were teleported back to the real world.

    When the five people went out, many people had already come out of the virtual sleep cabin, but they were the first team to come out completely. And because of the live broadcast of the whole process, people outside already knew the record of the First Military Academy, and soon someone came to lead them to the rest area on the side, and a doctor came to check their physical condition and whether they were affected by the inside.

    While waiting for the other teams to come out, Elena brought up the old story again: "Kevin, you haven't said what you saw in the illusion."

    Kevin closed his eyes as if he didn't hear, and was pushed away by Elena again Pushed, then let go and said: "It's nothing, it's just that when I was young, I went out to fight with my gang of cronies, and then I always called my parents to sue the teacher when I couldn't fight, and then I was nagged in the environment. "After speaking, he touched his ears, "My ears are about to grow calluses."

    Elena nodded: "This is indeed something you can do."

    Kevin was not happy when he heard this : "What do you mean? Is it something I can do? I was also pushed to go there, okay, my brother is being bullied, so can I not draw my sword to help in the face of injustice?"

    Elena opened her mouth exaggeratedly: "Wow, how are you then ? Awesome, if I were an Omega, I would definitely admire you."

    Kevin looked at Elena's exaggerated acting skills, turned his head to the side and continued to close his eyes.

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