Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

    On the federal border, Michael's smooth fuselage flew out of the vortex, attracting the attention of the border guards.

    Seeing that Ji Yu slowed down the speed of the warship, as if it was about to land, Mu Li scratched Ji Yu's palm and joked, "Unexpectedly, the marshal of the Federation will be inspected just like me when he enters the country."

    Ji Yu was helpless . She turned her head and glanced at Mu Li, and said: "This is the rule, everyone has to be checked. But now that you are here, I don't want them to check." When

    Mu Li heard this, she tentatively said: "Are you afraid Expose our relationship, you can say, met on the road, saved me, and came back together."

    "I have never let anyone get on my mech, and you are an Omega, what do you think they will think? "

    Muli nodded: "That's right. If our relationship is exposed, will it affect you? For example, you are not the person most wanted to marry by the three genders in the Federation. For example, most of your Omega supporters may be I 'll be disappointed."

    After hearing this, Ji Yu was surprised and said, "How is it possible, I wish everyone knew about our relationship. I'm not their star, so why would I care if Omega cares about me?"

    "And, if Speaking of being liked, Miss Mu Li, do you know how much sensation you caused in the army after participating in the Mecha League?"

    Mu Li asked casually, "Oh, how big is it?"

    "Actually, those of my subordinates People are pretty easy to deal with, as long as I'm here, I don't dare to covet you openly. But..."

    But? Is it really blatant? Mu Li asked curiously: "But what?"

    "It's not that many, the senior general came to ask me if you would join the military headquarters, and said that he wanted to arrange a job for you."

    "Why did they arrange a job for me?"

    Ji Yu raised her head, looked at Mu Li with accusation, and said, "Give you a chance to get along with their Alpha juniors, what else could it be? They're all weasels, don't worry, be kind."

    Listening to Ji Yu's words, Mu Li burst out laughing with a "poof". "So you're jealous?"

    Ji Yu gritted her teeth and said angrily: "You don't care if I'm jealous, anyway, you stay away from those Alphas in the future, they are ugly and can't beat you, and I don't have money, let alone Not as dedicated as me."

    "Okay, okay, let's talk about something later." Mu Li reminded.

    Seeing the assembled team below, Ji Yu was just about to start the autonomous landing procedure, when she glanced at Mu Li from the corner of her eye, chatting with Mu Li, why did she forget about the business.

    When Mu Li fell into the black hole, because she was injured in the cabin, her jacket was damaged, so she simply took off her jacket and only wore the white bottom layer underneath, and the clothes are made of materials that fit the human body, which is very good Outline the curve of Mu Li's upper body.

    There was nothing wrong with just the two of them in the black hole, especially Mu Li, who always felt that there was not much difference between Alpha and Omega. What's so embarrassing about being girls?

    Ji Yu felt that Mu Li might pay attention to her image in front of a male Omega, and wouldn't care about the difference of the second gender in front of a female Alpha. Sometimes she really wants to open Mu Li's mind to see why there are people who don't care about the second gender so much, just like a person who traveled from another world.

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