Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

    When Mu Li drove the mech towards the Zerg, although she probably could have expected her end, but in fact, she didn't hesitate too much at that time.

    It's just that when more and more Zergs came to attack Mu Li, it was inevitable and powerless, Mu Li felt that if he really left this world like this, the regret in his heart would never be made up for.

    Traveling from the ancient world of cultivating immortals, Mu Li didn't care when faced with the tragic fate of her original life experience; when faced with the completely different body structure of ABO three genders, Mu Li didn't care; When insulting and provoking due to prejudice, Mu Li didn't care.

    She originally thought that she was a cold-hearted person. For thousands of years, no one had influenced her. When she came to this highly developed interstellar world, she also had the mentality of living day by day.

    For Mu Li, it doesn't seem to make any difference where she lives. In the previous world, she never experienced the despair of the people at the bottom when facing evil spirits. In today's world, she still hasn't experienced the interstellar era. The struggle of those with low mental power.

    She used to feel like a traveler, going from one world to another, unknown when the death would come, and when the new destiny would start, she was just fulfilling her mission of living. Live to help Yuanshang escape from the Mu family, live to make good use of her high-intensity mental power, and live to help those who may need her help.

    Although it is a bit negative to think about it this way, Mu Li has never particularly cared about anything, nor does she have anything in particular she wants to obtain. She always felt that the long years of cultivating immortals had polished her mind so that she no longer had any desires, but when the insects flew towards her, a figure flashed in her mind, and Mu Li remembered that she had promised her to go home early , to spend the New Year with her, she can't break her promise.

    Mu Li doesn't have much concept of family affection, and she doesn't care about the customs of Chinese New Year passed down from the ancient earth. It's just that before she left Ji's house to go to the military headquarters to perform tasks, she saw Ji Yu personally hanging lanterns in front of the house door, decorating the spring scenery in the garden with red, and repeatedly asking her about her favorite food, repeatedly Emphasized that she should complete the task as soon as possible, and said happily that they would have a reunion dinner together on New Year's Eve.

    Although Ji Yu never mentioned her deceased family members, Mu Li also saw the scene of Ji Yu staring at the group photos in a daze many times, and could remember what the housekeeper casually mentioned, that Ji Yu's behavior style was completely different from now. It took Mu Li more than half a year to gradually walk into Ji Yu's life, making Ji Yu full of vitality again.     Memories flashed in my mind, thinking that Ji Yu might not be able to wait for her again, and on New Year's Eve, she could only look at the table full of delicate dishes alone, miss the people in her memory, and then return to the indifference in the eyes of the world. A marshal who is ruthless and won't fall down and won't cry out for pain.     Mu Li felt like her heart was being grabbed by something. In fact, Ji Xiaoyu was afraid of pain, ghosts, and loneliness. She loved to laugh, pretend to be rough, and was more like an Omega who needed to be taken care of.     Mu Li quickly adjusted her mental power, retracted the defense outside the mecha, and increased the speed of the mecha to the maximum. In the dark cosmic environment, there was no direction to be discerned. After several times of acceleration, Mu Li slightly distanced herself from the Zerg, but she knew that she couldn't last much longer.     However, at this moment, she felt a strong suction force in front of her, a black and deep black hole vortex, beckoning to her with a ferocious face. Behind is the chasing Zerg, and in front is the unknown black hole world. It was too late to give Mu Li too much time to choose, when the Zerg's cannon fire hit again, Mu Li's mecha was even more inclined towards the direction of the black hole.     Instead of just dying in the hands of the Zerg, why not try to see if there is a new turning point. Mu Li gritted her teeth, and drove towards the vortex of the black hole, the mecha disappeared from the sight of the Zerg.     The Zerg race is as afraid of black holes as humans, so after seeing Mu Li being sucked into the black hole, the Zerg race left.     The initial experience of being sucked into a black hole is really bad. Just like what is said in the popular science of black holes, the airflow in the black hole ruthlessly crushes the intruders, and the lack of any bright airflow channels gives people invisible fear.     Mu Li felt that if it wasn't for the protection of the armor and the support of her strong mental strength, she would definitely be crushed to pieces here. Just when Mu Li felt that her whole body was about to fall apart, a tiny circle of light appeared in front of her. With the push of the shock wave, the circle of light got closer and bigger.

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