Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

    Mu Li's breath was more unstable than Ji Yu's. After hearing Ji Yu's words, she froze for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

    Really next time? real! Mu Li didn't know how to answer. Although she was not a conservative person, when facing Ji Yu, she still failed to be as bold and straightforward as Ji Yu.

    Seeing this, Ji Yu stroked Mu Li's soft hair, waiting for the breathing of the two to calm down and the high concentration of pheromone in the room to dissipate.

    Seeing that Mu Li hadn't responded, Ji Yu asked, "Are you asleep, Mu Mu?"

    "No." There was still a trace of laziness in Mu Li's voice.

    "Oh." Ji Yu replied, and then the two fell into an awkward silence.

    "Ai." After a while, Ji Yu started to sigh again, seeing that Mu Li didn't respond, she let out another "Ai", aggravating the sigh.

    Mu Li turned around, looked at Ji Yu with some amusement and said, "Can't sleep?"

    Ji Yu nodded honestly, and proposed expectantly, "Why don't you kiss me again? Kiss me and I'll fall asleep."

    Mu Li Li Xin said: In the garden just now, she said that kissing will not be cold anymore, so Ji Yu can fall asleep after kissing now. This guy is a quick learner?

    Although she also likes to spend more time with Ji Yu, but thinking of the almost suffocating kiss just now, Mu Li shook her head resolutely, looked away, and refused: "No, no, no, you are sleepy, you should go to sleep. "

    After Mu Li finished speaking, she turned over and carried her back.

    Seeing this, Ji Yu stretched out her finger, and poked Mu Li's back: "Mu Mu, why don't you take care of me."

    Mu Li pulled the quilt up over her ears, and said sullenly, "It's almost midnight, huh? Piao is about to haunt you, why don't you hurry to sleep?"

    Ji Yu hesitated when she heard this, "Really? They all came after midnight?"

    According to Mu Li's past experience, ghosts are indeed all after midnight Haunted, she affirmed: "Yes, so do you still want to chat with me?"

    Ji Yu pursed her lips, as if she was torn between whether Mu Li was more important or A Piao.

    Seeing that Ji Yu had lost her voice, Mu Li turned around, put her arms around Ji Yu's waist lightly, and said, "Sleep, I'll accompany you."

    Mu Li's soft voice and active approach gave Ji Yu an extra breath. A sense of security and satisfaction. Her Mu Li, even when she doubts her motives, still won't ignore her.

    Ji Yu closed her eyes in satisfaction, and the two cuddled together, embracing each other and sleeping. Sometimes a simple hug is more reassuring and satisfying than others. Hugging each other is like hugging your own world.

    The next day, the first ray of sunlight in the morning shone into the room, mischievously stimulating the eyes of the two people on the big bed, trying to wake them up.

    The biological clock affects the two, whoever wakes up first drives the other. When Ji Yu opened her eyes, she stared at the unfamiliar furnishings in the room, and was stunned for a moment, unable to realize where she was.

    An arm wrapped around her waist unconsciously stroked upwards, arousing Ji Yu's itching. Ji Yu shrank back. How could there be someone else beside her? Immediately struggled to get up.

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