intro. the fall

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Katherine went to school as she usually did, despite the news recently being shady and strange, broadcasting not the usual stuff, urging people to stay home, but Katherine's parents sent her to school saying they'll talk when she gets home.

Katherine walked into school, her backpack slung over her shoulder as she went to her locker to unload the stuff she had in there, and to put her books for her morning classes, which consisted of AP English, Spanish and Business. The locker beside her opened, Katherine looked and was met with her best friend Kathleen Clarke.

"Hey, I'm surprised you're here" Kathleen said, sorting through her own locker.

Katherine shrugged her shoulders, "Why wouldn't I?" she said, confused.

"Yeah know, with what's going on with the news" Kathleen explained.

"Yeah, do you know what's up with that?" Katherine questioned.

Kathleen shrugged her shoulders as the bell went for first period, "Beats me, it'll blow over in a week" she said.

Katherine sighed, "You're probably right. Either way, my parents are talking to me about it after school"

Kathleen nods, "My Dad too" she mumbles, "Well, we can't dwell on it. See you in Business"

⋆ ★ ⋆

The entire talk in her AP English was about the things going on in the news recently, some kids in her class were absent, having left to go "some place" safer. Katherine thinks it's a little ridiculous and things will probably resume the way things were in a week's time.

"My Dad reckons the government started it all" she heard a boy say.

"Well my Dad thinks it's just the government trying to scare us" a girl suggested.

"Have any of you thought that maybe, just maybe this is real?" another voice said.

Katherine rolls her eyes, she thinks everyone is just overreacting a little. Maybe she was wrong, but she's the type to not believe something unless it's right in front of her. All this stuff on the news in her mind is exactly what it is, stuff on the news. Until she sees with her own eyes herself, she isn't believing a thing.

She just wanted the teacher to walk in and start the lesson. But 10 minutes passed, then 20 minutes... soon it was the 30 minute mark, and then shortly later the bell rang for the end of the class. Everyone packed up their things, whispering to each other wondering where their teacher was.

The halls were also rather empty, which are usually full with students, but now seem almost deserted. Katherine went to her next class, Spanish, and just like with AP English, there were barely any students, there was a teacher, but with the lack of students they didn't do any work and were told to sit quietly.

From where she was sitting, however, she could hear the same video being played on laptops throughout the room. The boy next to her was also watching the video, but he had his ear buds in. He saw she was watching his screen and offered her a bud, she took it and watched his screen, listening into the live report.

"We are live in Los Angeles, live at the scene. An accident has just happened between a motorcyclist and a truck, 2 casualties– Both dead on impact. The truck driver, a male in his 50s, and the motorcyclist, a man in his 20s were told" the news lady read. "There seem to be more casualties as the truck rolled over on it's side before hitting a building. At this moment we're not sure how many injured there are"

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