Meeting The Boys

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The night is lively until moments ago, Mito questions where Mochizuki is; her absence makes her question the girl. Mochizuki came in with Hashirama's bowl, a smile on her face, "Here you are, Hashirama-san." she smiled. Mito scrunches her nose, "Where did you leave? You left for a long period." Mito hissed. Mochizuki looked at the Uzumaki woman, "I just needed a break.." her voice was weak and shaky, and Madara's chakra became enraged, "Hashirama, control. your. wife." the Uchiha threatened.
Outside the manor, tears flowed from her face, "Mochizuki-san? Are you alright?" Izuna asked, "I-I just need a break." she quietly sobbed. "Hold on, I'll get Madara-nii!" the younger Uchiha runs into the manor, and within moments Madara runs outside. "Mochizuki, why are you crying? Are you alright?" Madara pulled her close, stroking her back, "S-She s-scares me..M-Mada-sama..." she cried; as horrible as it was, Madara got a few savory memories he shall visit later. Shaking the perverted side off, Madara holds her close and comforts her. "Do you need a break? You can leave as long as you want. Because the longer she makes your tears shed, I will get enraged and snap." She looked at him and nodded; it felt like a katana was lodged deep in his gut. It looked unnatural for Madara to see her smile while in tears. Madara wipes away her tears with his thumbs, "I shall wait for you." Mochizuki nuzzled his hands softly as she began walking, but she walked with grace even though she wanted to run.
"Mito, you're being rude; sit down." the red-haired woman scrunched her nose, Tobirama looked over, and Izuna glared, "Listen, witch. You leave my sister-in-law alone!" Mito looked at Mochizuki, which annoyed her even worse; she couldn't read her. "Don't you think it's odd she was gone for so long?" Izuna growled as Madara's eyes became dark, "I let her leave as long as she wanted because you're frightening her!" Madara screamed; Mochizuki rushed to Madara's side and held him. Tobirama gets up and grabs Mito by the wrist, dragging her out. She'd yell and demand the younger Senju to let go of her, but his cold glare and a grip that broke her wrist made her silent. Hashirama sighs as Izuna drinks his sake with anger. "Madara, I'm sorry; I really am." Hashirama frowns, and Madara glares at the chestnut Senju. "We've been friends for a very long time Hashirama." Madara starts, Mochizuki holds Madara, and oddly, the room is no longer tense. "I feel...sleepy..." Izuna yawns. "It's quite nice all of a sudden..." Hashirama stretches. Madara looks at Mochizuki and holds her close, "Mada-sama, please, don't take this out on Hashirama-san. Don't toss the blame on him." Mochizuki said softly, nuzzling his chest; Madara smiled and rested his head on hers. "Are you calm now, Madara-sama?" she asked as Madara hummed. Mochizuki's chakra fades from the room, and Izuna and Hashirama are sound asleep. "I'll let Kondo and the others handle it." Madara chuckles. Gently taking Madara's hand, the two leave. "I have something I need to tell you." She tells him as she walks into the garden behind the Uchiha home. Madara follows her like a puppy led on a leash. "What is it?" he asks as they stop at the white lilies. "I've been so scared, so scared to tell you." she gently holds his hands in hers, "I will understand if you are angry at me for this.." she smiles sadly, and Madara blinks, "What is it, Mochizuki? What do you think you did was so horrible that I will be angry at you?" He looks at her. She smiles at him, and then four cloaked and masked figures appear behind her. "What is this?" He asked, and she walked to them, a smile on her face. "Madara-san...these are our sons." As she calls out their names, they toss aside their cloaks and remove their masks. "The oldest, Katsuro. The second oldest, Masumi, the third oldest, Tatsuya, and the youngest, Haru." Madara is stunned, "Hello, father." the youngest Haru looks at Madara, "It's nice to meet you, papa, finally!" Madara is at a loss for words, but as he adds up the dates in his head, his face turns bright red. "Father?" Tatsuya asked; Madara shook off the perverted side again and looked at the four boys. "I...we...these are our sons..." Madara is left speechless for a moment, "Don't be angry at mama! She wanted to protect us!" Haru shouts; Madara smiled at Haru and knelt, rubbing the top of his head. "I can never be mad at your mother. I love her too much ever to be angry at her. Forever she'll be the true love of mine." Mochizuki blushes a light cherry red, smiling sweetly.

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