Prisoner and Recovery

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Masumi walks to the Senju household; Hashirama is at work, leaving Mito alone with his mother's clone, who most likely cares for his cousin Hanaku. He knocks on the door lightly, no answer, so he makes his way in. Mito looked at his mother's clone, bouncing Hanaku on his knee. "Who are you?" Mito spoke. Masumi made a head tilt motion, and the clone took Hanaku to another room, "What is the meaning of this!?" Mito shouts as she stands. Masumi closes his eyes, speaking coldly, "You've crossed the line, Mito; you bullied our mother, made her cry, neglected to remember you're married to our uncle, and the worst sin of tried to have her killed."

Masumi opens his eyes; the tomes spiral into a cherry blossom, his Mangekyou. Mito backs up as Masumi walks closer, his face calm, yet his eyes burned with anger. "S-Stay away from me!" Mito shouts; Masumi tilts his head ever so slightly. "And show you mercy? When you showed our mother none?" Cherry blossoms fall, and Mito looks around; she's no longer home but in a forest. "No one will be able to wake you; only myself and my brothers can." Again, Mito looks around; something sharp slices through her shoulder, past the bone, pinning her down by a tiny thread. "In this world, I can make anything happen; seconds outside my Genjutsu will feel like years inside it." Another sharp pain shoots past her shoulder bone, a string attached to it.

Mito can hear voices, Hashirama's, Madara's, Izuna's, and Tobirama's; all of them are mixed and bunched up. It's causing her head to feel like fallen trees are crushing it. A sharp and intense pain spears through Mito's body; in front of her are Hashirama and Madara. Madara holds her jaw open as Hashirama has a kunai knife. Her eyes shake, but her body refuses to move. Instead, she feels hands holding her down, Tobirama and Izuna. The squelching sound and pain would have made her sick and faint, but in Masumi's Genjutsu, the pain was no escaping. Hashirama pulls away, her tongue in his hand, their voices all jumble together again, mixing into laughter and torment. "I'm not one for foul language, but in the words of my older brother fucked with the wrong family."

Outside the Genjutsu, Mito lay on her bed, courtesy of Masumi. Tobirama kisses his son's forehead, and Masumi smiles at his mother, "I'll tell you when to awaken her." Tobirama smiled, Hanaku pawing at Masumi. Masumi smiles and nods, walking off. Once back home, Masumi sits on a chair; Haru rushes to his older brother with a cup of cold water, "Here, Masu-nii!" Masumi smiled and patted Haru on the head, "Thank you, Haru-otō.," he said softly, taking a drink of the water from the wooden cup. "She's dealt with, I take it?" Tatsuya spoke as Katsuro, and he walks in. Masumi nods, "Yes, she has been; how is father?" Masumi asked, looking at his brothers. "Papa is doing much better now that mama is better!" Haru beams.

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