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Hadrian Gomez Addams smirked as he noticed the shocked face of the old Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, as his name was called. He couldn't help it. He approached the stool with grace, such as he was taught by his Mother, and took a careful seat. His dark green eyes scanning the room as he felt the hat lay on his head.

"Ah, an Addams, I do enjoy picking at your families brains."

"Hello, Sculptor, how do you do today? Father sends his hello's."

"I am quite well for an old hat, I dare say to tell your Father I said a swell hello back. Now, I know exactly where to send you."


Hadrian smiled ever so slightly as he felt the hat be removed from his head. He nodded in his Aunt Minerva's direction before walking to the Slytherin table as the first student sorted he chose to take a seat at the end. He knew most, if not all, of the staff already. He did not wish to hear the rambling's of some upper classmen who knew little to nothing of his family.

"Thinking too hard can cause your mind to burst, brother."

Hadrian looked across from him to see his twin sister, Wednesday Friday Addams. She looked bored to most but for him he saw the glint of excitement in her eyes.

"Ah, but I am merely guessing who shall end up where." He smirks. "I believe the muggleborn will go to Gryffindor."

"No, too much of a know-it-all, she'll go to Ravenclaw."

"But she practically worship's the ground the old goat walks on."

"Hmm, that is true isn't it."


He smirked at his sister. "What did I say."

"Yes, yes, I know."

He watched the rest of the sorting in peace. Although he only paid close attention to his friends. It wasn't much surprise, however.

Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, Blaise Zabini, and Theodore Nott were all sorted into Slytherin.

Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, and Neville Longbottom were all sorted into Hufflepuff.

Terry Boot, Padma Patil, and Anthony Goldstein were sorted into Ravenclaw.

And finally, Parvati Patil, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, and Ronald Weasley were all sorted into Gryffindor.

Although the only ones he was truly close to would be Draco, Blaise, Daphne, Theo, Ron, and Neville. Of course his sister was included in such count. Once the sorting was over Dumbledore was once again proving his idiocy before the meal could begin.

"Draco." Hadrian began turning to the blonde next to him who looked at him curiously. "I do believe it is worse than we feared."

Draco nodded seriously. "I believe so, Hades."


He looked past Draco and Blaise to see Pansy Parkinson. She had no emotion on her face but her eyes showed fierce anger, yet not directed at him.

"Heir Flint wishes to speak to you."

"Ah, I do hope he accepted our offer, Wednesday."

Wednesday gave a dangerous smile. "I do hope so, Hades."

Upon entering the Slytherin Common Room, Heir Marcus Flint made his way over to the Addams twins, with a glare. This cause Hadrian and Wednesday to look to each other blankly and sigh. They faced the Flint Heir completely emotionless. Not even their eyes dared to show emotion.

"Heir Flint." Hadrian began monotonously. "What do I owe the pleasure?"

"You want to take my place?!"


Hadrian watched in satisfaction as the Slytherin Head of House, and the Godfather to the Addams twins, approached the three students with a look of fury.

You see, if there was one thing that one must know it is that Lord Severus Prince was extremely protective of his godchildren. His godchildren were none other than Heir Hadrian Addams, Wednesday Addams, and Heir Draco Malfoy.

"Heir Flint," Severus began in a harsh yet calm tone causing the teen to flinch. "What do you think you are doing?!"

"Heir Hadrian Addams issued a challenge as Slytherin Prince!"

"Then do so properly." Drawled the man with a roll of his eyes. "Set the date and time of the duel. Let the King and Queen know as well as the princess." His eyes land on his Goddaughter. "Unless you plan on dueling for the spot of Slytherin Princess?"

"No. I have no desire this year. Perhaps another year. Hades is simply eager. I have no doubts he will inflict great amounts of pain on his opponent, however."

Marcus sneered in her direction. He had heard the tales concerning the Addams family. The way they were masters in causing pain. There was a rumor that they were related to none other than Salazar Slytherin. He scoffed, causing many in the room to watch worriedly.

"What could a mere first year do to me?" He asked mockingly.

"Poena" Hadrian whispers with his wand at his stomach. He watched with glee as Flint fell holding his stomach with a groan. "Poena, in latin, can be translated to pain, or even punishment. It lasts however long I wish. Since the only way to stop it is Finite."

He looked around the room. His killing curse green eyes hardened. He smiled wickedly in a way that would have his Father proud.

"You will all do well to remember that the Addams family is older than just about everyone's in here. That was know curses, hexes, jinxes, and more spells than all of you combined. Do not try us. Am I clear?"

He, and Wednesday, watched in glee as the room was filled with nods of fear. He released Heir Flint from the pain and tucked his wand away. He then glanced to his Godfather with a small smile.

"You may start the welcome speech Uncle Severus."

Severus nodded before facing all of Slytherin. His face and eyes blank. His onyx eyes scanning the room.

"My name is Severus Prince. I am your Head of House. This is Slytherin. The house of cunning, ambitious, resourcefulness, determination, pride, self-preservation, and shrewdness. We also show loyalty to those who deserve it. We are brave when it is required. We are intelligent because knowledge is power. In the house of Slytherin we have a hierarchy. At the top is myself, your Head of House. Below me is the King and Queen. Your King is Felix Brunt. Your Queen is Alexia Sykes. Below them are the Prince and Princess. Your Prince is Marcus Flint. Your Princess is Gemma Farley. Please keep in mind, anyone can duel for the Prince or Princess spot. However, King and Queen are for the sixth and seventh years who managed to last to their sixth year as Prince or Princess. You may not duel for their spot." He waited, letting the information sink in, before then glaring. "My godchildren are indeed Heir Draco Malfoy, Heir Hadrian Addams, and Miss Wednesday Addams. Do not let me find out they have been mistreated. Am I clear?"

Various voices saying, "Yes, Sir", could be heard. He nodded.

"Follow the rules or do not get caught. With that, your prefects are fifth years Marcus Flint and Gemma Farley. Sixth years are Terrence Higgs and Alexia Sykes. Seventh years are Felix Brunt and Thea Taylor."

Once his speech was over he dismissed everyone to their dorm rooms. Thankfully Draco, Hadrian, and Blaise shared a dorm while Wednesday, Daphne, and Pansy shared a dorm.

Hadrian Gomez AddamsWhere stories live. Discover now