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The next day Draco, Hadrian, Wednesday, and Blaise sat in a row at the front of the Transfiguration classroom. Behind them sat Daphne, Theo, Ron and Pansy. Hadrian glared as he noticed a particular know-it-all standing in front of him. His eyes traveled upwards and glared at the muggleborn with as much hatred as he could.

"Yes?" He asked trying to be polite as taught by his Mother.

"Why do they call you Hadrian Addams? Your name is Harry Potter." She said snobbishly.

"And you know this how?" He asked with a raise of his brow. "We have not met before Hogwarts."

"Of course it's you! Headmaster Dumbledore told me you were adopted." She said with a smile.

"I was not adopted." He said with a sneer. "Even if I was, the Headmaster has no reason to tell you. You are a mere student."

"I am the brightest witch of our generation!" She says stomping her foot and crossing her arms.

"That would likely be my sister, perhaps even Daphne, but I doubt a witch of your...background," He says slowly as though he was attempting to not be offensive. "could possibly be the brightest. Your attitude also prevents it as you cannot be self proclaimed. You just are."

"Why I!"

He watched as she stomped off to a seat that she shared with one of the annoying Gryffindor brats. It was a girl named Lavender Brown. So far he could see she was a stuck up half-blood with muggle money. He mentally scoffed. His family had more money both muggle and wizard than she could even think of.

Before any student could utter one more word the cat with glasses shaped circles around their eyes that sat up on the desk jumped and morphed into Professor Minerva McGonagall. The Transfiguration Professor as well as the Gryffindor Head of House.

She was a stern woman who took no nonsense from anyone. Not even her grand-godchildren, Hadrian and Wednesday Addams. Even though they, themselves, were no nonsense. Much like their Mother, Lady Morticia Addams.

"First, you will learn the transfiguration alphabet." Stated the stern Professor.

The class went on without any irritation for Hadrian and Wednesday, until the end that is. Professor McGonagall had just finished assigning homework over the transfiguration alphabet when Granger raised her hand. Hadrian knew he was about to be pissed off when the muggleborn girl looked at him briefly before speaking when called on.

"Professor, Potter refuses to use his name!" She said with victory smile.

"Who?" Professor McGonagall asked causing her to frown.

"He goes by Addams but Headmaster Dumbledore told me his real name is Harry Potter."

"First of all, Miss Granger," Professor McGonagall started angrily. "His name is indeed Hadrian Addams. Secondly, Headmaster Dumbledore should not be revealing any information concerning any student. Thirdly, I do not wish to hear any more of this. If I do, I will take points. Am I understood Miss Granger?"

"Yes Professor."

Wednesday smirked at Hadrian. Their eyes saying every word between them. They, like the Weasley Twins, were Magical Twins. They had abilities that only those born as Magical Twins could do. Such an example was their telepathic communication.

'Well, Aunt Minerva always comes ready with facts.' Hadrian stated with a smile.

'It is Aunt Minerva. I truly hope you are not surprised.' Wednesday responded tonelessly.

'Of course not.' Hadrian began as he started packing his things. 'I know our Godmother better than that.'

"If you both are done. It is time for lunch." Minerva said in her Auntly tone smiling at the twins.

Looking around the two smiled gently realizing the only ones left were their most trusted. Hadrian hugged his Aunt tightly, being the slightly more Gomez-like of the twins. It was a run on joke in the family that the three Addams children were a lot like their parents depending on the child.

Hadrian, the eldest, was much like both his parents. He was often no nonsense and darker like his Mother. However when with his most trusted, he could let loose and be much like his Father.

Wednesday, the middle child, was every bit like her Mother. No nonsense, darker, and very much styles like Morticia Addams.

Pugsley, the youngest child, was every bit like his Father. They like to be more outgoing and jokingly. Everyone predicted that Pugsley, like Gomez, would be in Gryffindor.

Once sat at the Slytherin table of the Great Hall, the twins looked up to see their family Vulture, Ares, flying towards them with two packages with black envelopes on top. Smiling wickedly the twins took their respective packages before offering lots of meat to the Vulture before he flew off.

"No doubt Mother wanted Ares to be the center of attention." Hadrian commented with a grin.

"I do suppose that would be true. Along with Father wishing to make a statement." Wednesday began to add. "He does like to make sure Dumbledore remembers that we are indeed Addamses."

Hadrian nodded before opening the letter that was no doubt from his Mother and Father with an additional one from Pugsley.

Our Dear Nightmare,

We do hope your studies have started off well in terms of Hogwarts. We must ask if you have kept up with your at-home studies as well, Hadrian Gomez Addams. Your Mother states that if you have not, she will come and have a talk with you.

In other words, Auntie Sloom wishes to speak to you. She believes it is time that you, and your sister, learn more about the Addams Family ancient history and how we tie into Hogwarts as well as Arthurian history. She also desires that you both become animagi.

She has agreed to allow Aunt Minerva to teach you how to access your animagus form.

Hadrian, you and you alone are to meet Professor Quirrell in his office after lunch for your period break.

In this parcel is several items your mother wishes for you to study for your taxidermy studies. She also requests that you attempt to befriend the Threstals by the end of the year for your Dark Animals Course.

With Dark Love,
Mother and Father


I secretly added in your daggers into your parcel. I believe Father saw however, I think he kept them in there. I got some information back from Star, she says:

"The Bee is buzzing, ears are open to the sound, be careful of the Giant, friend or foe, has yet to be decided. Red eyes seek the red stone, the same eyes looking with curiosity of the lack of lightning bolt."

Keep me informed as well. 

Love and Sorrows,


Hadrian Gomez AddamsWhere stories live. Discover now