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"Heir Addams."

The young Heir turned around to be met with the face of Heir Cedric Diggory. He knew the Hufflepuff third year slightly through various Yule Balls and Ministry Balls. His family was nearly always invited to the Yule Balls held by many families. Some, such as the Abbott family, was due to fear. Some, such as the Malfoys, was because of the two being friends. Some, like the Bones, however, was done simply because it was polite.

"Heir Diggory. How may I help you?" Hadrian asks without emotion.

"I wish to inform you of something I was told of and I believe you will find quite interesting."

This had Hadrians interest indeed. What information could the young Hufflepuff Heir of the House of Diggory wish to tell the Slytherin Heir of the House of Addams? He knew he needed that information.

So, the young Heir nodded slightly. He gave a quick "follow me" and headed directly to the Room of Requirement. He had a feeling he could not allow any possible eyes and ears to hear or see this information. Although something told him he had the Castles allegiance. Yet he could not confirm this just yet.

Once in the room he smiled at Hogwarts response to his ask. He made the room mostly black with accents of silver. A combination of the two secondary colors of both houses. It was beautiful.

He sat in the Slytherin marked chair as Heir Diggory sat in the Hufflepuff marked chair across from his.

"So, tell me this information." He says diplomatically. And if he added a mix of his Mother, Aunt Cissa, and Uncle Lucius, well, who was to blame him.

"The Headmaster approached me," Heir Diggory starts channeling his own Slytherin heritage, which Hadrian could admire. "It is October 31st now, so it would have been a few weeks ago now. He wished for me to lead you away from the Slytherin house, and your family, to be closer to those he deems, safe."

"Do you know who?" He asked smirking.

"Myself, a one Hermione Granger, a one Percy Weasley, and a one Cho Chang."

Hadrian nods. He knew of Hermione Granger. That one was as obvious as a bull in the desert. Percy Weasley, however? Looks as though he needed to write Aunt Molly. Cho Chang, however, he didn't know. He tilted his head.

"Who is Miss Chang?"

"Cho Chang is the only daughter of Lady Malia Chang and Lady Consort June Chang. Her older sister, Maria Chang, is the Heiress. Their family is typically neutral."

Hadrian nodded. "Cho is not her true first name is it?"

Cedric shakes his head. "It is what she wishes to be called but her true name is Celia."

Hadrian nodded. "You are friends. Is her behavior normal?.."

"No." Cedric admits sadly.

"I will talk to Mother." The young Slytherin states calmly before standing. "Thank you Heir Diggory. I shall see myself out."

"That does indeed sound concerning." Wednesday said as Hadrian filled her, and the others, in on the conversation with Cedric.

"Are you writing my mum or am I?" Ron asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I will."

"What about Granger?" Daphne asked as she helped Wednesday paint her nails, black of course.

"I haven't decided just yet."

"Hades, its time for dinner."

Hadrian smiled at Draco softly as he stood. "I nearly forgot. Thank you Dragon."

If anyone noticed that Draco was blushing brightly, no one said anything. It was no secret that out of those that grew up together; that being Hadrian, Wednesday, Draco, Pansy, Gregory, Vincent, Daphne, Astoria, and Neville; that out of them all, Draco and Hadrian were the closest two. Besides Hadrian and Wednesday being twins of course. And the nickname Dragon was exclusively used by Hadrian.


The young Heir turned to his Godfather. The man was wearing a small frown on the corners of his lips that if he didn't know him his whole life he may have missed it. Draco and Wednesday must have caught on because they quickly took a side each to Hadrian.

"Yes Uncle Sev?"

"Headmaster Dumbledore demands your presence immediately."

"Hm. I am surprised he waited. Well. Let us not keep him waiting. Wednesday, Draco, lead the group to dinner. I have a feeling I will be late." Hadrian drawled very similarly to his Godfather.

"Ah. Harry my boy, please, sit sit."

Hadrian mentally sneered at the use of his adoptive name. He was not Harry Potter and had not been for years. Harry Potter never truly existed.

"My name is Heir Hadrian Addams. If you feel as if you cannot use my title then Mister Addams will do." He said as he sat poisely with a emotionless face.

"Of course." He noticed how the Headmaster's left eye twitched ever so slightly and his smile tightened. "I wish to speak to you about your family. You see the Durs-"

"Let me stop you right there, Headmaster." Hadrian began cooly. "The Dursley's are not my family. My family is the Addams family."

"I understand they made you think that, my boy but-"

"First, I am not your boy, Headmaster. Secondly, does this meeting have to do with my schooling?" Hadrian interrupted to ask as his patience waned.

"Well, no, I suppose not. However I-"

"Then I bid you a good evening Headmaster."

Hadrian stood, gave a slight nod, before he left the office. He could feel his anger growing. Looking over he saw his Godfather giving him a look of concern.

"I am alright. He merely mentioned the Dursley's. He refused to acknowledge my family. We need to call a meeting. He will become more bold. It is time to allow the lost Addams back into the fold." He said with a steeled voice.

He knew it was time for life to get more serious. He, and his group, knew the moment they set foot in Hogwarts they were in danger. That danger began on the first Halloween in Hogwarts. When the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor stated there was a troll in the dungeons.

Hadrian Gomez AddamsWhere stories live. Discover now